Search Results for author: Vincent Claveau

Found 38 papers, 3 papers with code

Choisir le bon co-équipier pour la génération coopérative de texte (Choosing The Right Teammate For Cooperative Text Generation)

no code implementations JEP/TALN/RECITAL 2022 Antoine Chaffin, Vincent Claveau, Ewa Kijak, Sylvain Lamprier, Benjamin Piwowarski, Thomas Scialom, Jacopo Staiano

Nous évaluons leurs avantages et inconvénients, en explorant leur précision respective sur des tâches de classification, ainsi que leur impact sur la génération coopérative et leur coût de calcul, dans le cadre d’une stratégie de décodage état de l’art, basée sur une recherche arborescente de Monte-Carlo (MCTS).

Text Generation

Décodage guidé par un discriminateur avec le Monte Carlo Tree Search pour la génération de texte contrainte (Discriminator-guided decoding with Monte Carlo Tree Search for constrained text generation )

no code implementations JEP/TALN/RECITAL 2022 Antoine Chaffin, Vincent Claveau, Ewa Kijak

Dans cet article, nous explorons comment contrôler la génération de texte au moment du décodage pour satisfaire certaines contraintes (e. g. être non toxique, transmettre certaines émotions...), sans nécessiter de ré-entrainer le modèle de langue.

Text Generation

Distinctive Image Captioning: Leveraging Ground Truth Captions in CLIP Guided Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation21 Feb 2024 Antoine Chaffin, Ewa Kijak, Vincent Claveau

Secondly, they can serve as additional trajectories in the RL strategy, resulting in a teacher forcing loss weighted by the similarity of the GT to the image.

Cross-Modal Retrieval Image Captioning +2

Measuring vagueness and subjectivity in texts: from symbolic to neural VAGO

no code implementations12 Sep 2023 Benjamin Icard, Vincent Claveau, Ghislain Atemezing, Paul Égré

We present a hybrid approach to the automated measurement of vagueness and subjectivity in texts.

Which Discriminator for Cooperative Text Generation?

1 code implementation25 Apr 2022 Antoine Chaffin, Thomas Scialom, Sylvain Lamprier, Jacopo Staiano, Benjamin Piwowarski, Ewa Kijak, Vincent Claveau

Language models generate texts by successively predicting probability distributions for next tokens given past ones.

Language Modelling Text Generation

Generative Cooperative Networks for Natural Language Generation

no code implementations28 Jan 2022 Sylvain Lamprier, Thomas Scialom, Antoine Chaffin, Vincent Claveau, Ewa Kijak, Jacopo Staiano, Benjamin Piwowarski

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have known a tremendous success for many continuous generation tasks, especially in the field of image generation.

Image Generation Text Generation

Query expansion with artificially generated texts

no code implementations16 Dec 2020 Vincent Claveau

We rely on a well-known neural generative model, GPT-2, that comes with pre-trained models for English but can also be fine-tuned on specific corpora.

Retrieval Text Generation

Construction de plongements de concepts m\'edicaux sans textes (Embedding medical concepts without texts)

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2020 Vincent Claveau

Les approches existantes pour g{\'e}n{\'e}rer ces plongements n{\'e}cessitent de grandes quantit{\'e}s de documents m{\'e}dicaux.

Speculation and Negation detection in French biomedical corpora

no code implementations RANLP 2019 Cl{\'e}ment Dalloux, Vincent Claveau, Natalia Grabar

We reach up to 97. 21 {\%} and 91. 30 {\%} F-measure for the detection of negation and speculation cues, respectively, using CRFs.

Negation Negation Detection +1

Clinical Case Reports for NLP

no code implementations WS 2019 Cyril Grouin, Natalia Grabar, Vincent Claveau, Thierry Hamon

Thus, we manually annotated a set of 717 files into four general categories (age, gender, outcome, and origin) for a total number of 2, 835 annotations.

Corpus annot\'e de cas cliniques en fran\ccais (Annotated corpus with clinical cases in French)

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2019 Natalia Grabar, Cyril Grouin, Thierry Hamon, Vincent Claveau

Pour r{\'e}pondre {\`a} ce d{\'e}fi, nous pr{\'e}sentons dans cet article le corpus CAS contenant des cas cliniques de patients, r{\'e}els ou fictifs, que nous avons compil{\'e}s. Ces cas cliniques en fran{\c{c}}ais couvrent plusieurs sp{\'e}cialit{\'e}s m{\'e}dicales et focalisent donc sur diff{\'e}rentes situations cliniques.

CAS: French Corpus with Clinical Cases

no code implementations WS 2018 Natalia Grabar, Vincent Claveau, Cl{\'e}ment Dalloux

Textual corpora are extremely important for various NLP applications as they provide information necessary for creating, setting and testing these applications and the corresponding tools.

Information Retrieval

Participation de l'IRISA \`a DeFT 2018 : classification et annotation d'opinion dans des tweets (IRISA at DeFT 2018: classifying and tagging opinion in tweets )

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2018 Anne-Lyse Minard, Christian Raymond, Vincent Claveau

L{'}{\'e}quipe a particip{\'e} {\`a} 3 des 4 t{\^a}ches de la campagne : (i) classification des tweets selon s{'}ils concernent les transports ou non, (ii) classification des tweets selon leur polarit{\'e} et (iii) annotation des marqueurs d{'}opinion et de l{'}objet {\`a} propos duquel est exprim{\'e}e l{'}opinion.

Crit\`eres num\'eriques dans les essais cliniques : annotation, d\'etection et normalisation (Numerical criteria in clinical trials : annotation, detection and normalization)

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2017 Natalia Grabar, Vincent Claveau

Les essais cliniques sont un {\'e}l{\'e}ment fondamental pour l{'}{\'e}valuation de nouvelles th{\'e}rapies ou techniques de diagnostic, de leur s{\'e}curit{\'e} et efficacit{\'e}.

Direct vs. indirect evaluation of distributional thesauri

no code implementations COLING 2016 Vincent Claveau, Ewa Kijak

In this paper, we address the problem of the evaluation of such thesauri or embedding models and compare their results.

Information Retrieval Retrieval

M\'edias traditionnels, m\'edias sociaux : caract\'eriser la r\'einformation (Traditional medias, social medias : characterizing reinformation)

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2016 C{\'e}dric Maigrot, Ewa Kijak, Vincent Claveau

Nous pr{\'e}sentons d{'}autre part quelques exp{\'e}riences de d{\'e}tection automatique des messages issus des m{\'e}dias de r{\'e}information, en {\'e}tudiant notamment l{'}influence d{'}attributs de surface et d{'}attributs portant plus sp{\'e}cifiquement sur le contenu de ces messages.


Extraction d'expressions-cibles de l'opinion : de l'anglais au fran\ccais (Opinion Target Expression extraction : from English to French)

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2016 Gr{\'e}goire Jadi, Laura Monceaux, Vincent Claveau, B{\'e}atrice Daille

Dans cet article, nous pr{\'e}sentons le d{\'e}veloppement d{'}un syst{\`e}me d{'}extraction d{'}expressions-cibles pour l{'}anglais et sa transposition au fran{\c{c}}ais.

Distributional Thesauri for Information Retrieval and vice versa

no code implementations LREC 2016 Vincent Claveau, Ewa Kijak

In this paper, we address the problem of building and evaluating such thesauri with the help of Information Retrieval (IR) concepts.

Information Retrieval Retrieval

Evaluating Lexical Similarity to build Sentiment Similarity

no code implementations LREC 2016 Gr{\'e}goire Jadi, Vincent Claveau, B{\'e}atrice Daille, Laura Monceaux

In this article, we propose to evaluate the lexical similarity information provided by word representations against several opinion resources using traditional Information Retrieval tools.

Information Retrieval Retrieval +3

Strat\'egies de s\'election des exemples pour l'apprentissage actif avec des champs al\'eatoires conditionnels

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2015 Vincent Claveau, Ewa Kijak

D{'}autre part, nous d{\'e}taillons une m{\'e}thode originale de s{\'e}lection s{'}appuyant sur un crit{\`e}re de respect des proportions dans les jeux de donn{\'e}es manipul{\'e}s. Le bien- fond{\'e} de ces propositions est v{\'e}rifi{\'e} au travers de plusieurs t{\^a}ches et jeux de donn{\'e}es, incluant reconnaissance d{'}entit{\'e}s nomm{\'e}es, chunking, phon{\'e}tisation, d{\'e}sambigu{\"\i}sation de sens.

Active Learning Chunking

Generating and using probabilistic morphological resources for the biomedical domain

no code implementations LREC 2014 Vincent Claveau, Ewa Kijak

In most Indo-European languages, many biomedical terms are rich morphological structures composed of several constituents mainly originating from Greek or Latin.

Information Retrieval Machine Translation +1

Annotating Football Matches: Influence of the Source Medium on Manual Annotation

no code implementations LREC 2012 Kar{\"e}n Fort, Vincent Claveau

In this paper, we present an annotation campaign of football (soccer) matches, from a heterogeneous text corpus of both match minutes and video commentary transcripts, in French.

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