Search Results for author: Karl Van Wyk

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

AnyTeleop: A General Vision-Based Dexterous Robot Arm-Hand Teleoperation System

no code implementations10 Jul 2023 Yuzhe Qin, Wei Yang, Binghao Huang, Karl Van Wyk, Hao Su, Xiaolong Wang, Yu-Wei Chao, Dieter Fox

For real-world experiments, AnyTeleop can outperform a previous system that was designed for a specific robot hardware with a higher success rate, using the same robot.

Imitation Learning

DexTransfer: Real World Multi-fingered Dexterous Grasping with Minimal Human Demonstrations

no code implementations28 Sep 2022 Zoey Qiuyu Chen, Karl Van Wyk, Yu-Wei Chao, Wei Yang, Arsalan Mousavian, Abhishek Gupta, Dieter Fox

The policy learned from our dataset can generalize well on unseen object poses in both simulation and the real world


Imitation Learning via Simultaneous Optimization of Policies and Auxiliary Trajectories

no code implementations7 May 2021 Mandy Xie, Anqi Li, Karl Van Wyk, Frank Dellaert, Byron Boots, Nathan Ratliff

Many IL methods, such as Dataset Aggregation (DAgger), combat challenges like distributional shift by interacting with oracular experts.

Imitation Learning

RMP2: A Structured Composable Policy Class for Robot Learning

no code implementations10 Mar 2021 Anqi Li, Ching-An Cheng, M. Asif Rana, Man Xie, Karl Van Wyk, Nathan Ratliff, Byron Boots

Using RMPflow as a structured policy class in learning has several benefits, such as sufficient expressiveness, the flexibility to inject different levels of prior knowledge as well as the ability to transfer policies between robots.

Computational Efficiency

DexPilot: Vision Based Teleoperation of Dexterous Robotic Hand-Arm System

no code implementations7 Oct 2019 Ankur Handa, Karl Van Wyk, Wei Yang, Jacky Liang, Yu-Wei Chao, Qian Wan, Stan Birchfield, Nathan Ratliff, Dieter Fox

Teleoperation offers the possibility of imparting robotic systems with sophisticated reasoning skills, intuition, and creativity to perform tasks.

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