Search Results for author: Jing Nie

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

VFMM3D: Releasing the Potential of Image by Vision Foundation Model for Monocular 3D Object Detection

no code implementations15 Apr 2024 Bonan Ding, Jin Xie, Jing Nie, Jiale Cao

Therefore, an effective solution involves transforming monocular images into LiDAR-like representations and employing a LiDAR-based 3D object detector to predict the 3D coordinates of objects.

Autonomous Driving Monocular 3D Object Detection +2

TencentLLMEval: A Hierarchical Evaluation of Real-World Capabilities for Human-Aligned LLMs

1 code implementation9 Nov 2023 Shuyi Xie, Wenlin Yao, Yong Dai, Shaobo Wang, Donlin Zhou, Lifeng Jin, Xinhua Feng, Pengzhi Wei, Yujie Lin, Zhichao Hu, Dong Yu, Zhengyou Zhang, Jing Nie, Yuhong Liu

We construct a hierarchical task tree encompassing 7 major areas covering over 200 categories and over 800 tasks, which covers diverse capabilities such as question answering, reasoning, multiturn dialogue, and text generation, to evaluate LLMs in a comprehensive and in-depth manner.

Benchmarking Question Answering +1

A survey of Transformer applications for histopathological image analysis: New developments and future directions

1 code implementation journal 2023 Chukwuemeka Clinton Atabansi, Jing Nie, Haijun Liu, Qianqian Song, Lingfeng Yan, Xichuan Zhou

Transformers have been widely used in many computer vision challenges and have shown the capability of producing better results than convolutional neural networks (CNNs).

Survival Analysis

A Hierarchical Location Normalization System for Text

1 code implementation21 Jan 2020 Dongyun Liang, Guo-Hua Wang, Jing Nie, Binxu Zhai, Xiusen Gu

We propose a system named ROIBase that normalizes the text by the Chinese hierarchical administrative divisions.

Enriched Feature Guided Refinement Network for Object Detection

1 code implementation ICCV 2019 Jing Nie, Rao Muhammad Anwer, Hisham Cholakkal, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Yanwei Pang, Ling Shao

For a 320x320 input on the MS COCO test-dev, our detector achieves state-of-the-art single-stage detection accuracy with a COCO AP of 33. 2 in the case of single-scale inference, while operating at 21 milliseconds on a Titan XP GPU.

Object object-detection +1

A Dynamic Evolutionary Framework for Timeline Generation based on Distributed Representations

no code implementations14 May 2019 Dongyun Liang, Guo-Hua Wang, Jing Nie

Given the collection of timestamped web documents related to the evolving topic, timeline summarization (TS) highlights its most important events in the form of relevant summaries to represent the development of a topic over time.

Timeline Summarization

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