Search Results for author: Andrey Kurenkov

Found 11 papers, 3 papers with code

Modeling Dynamic Environments with Scene Graph Memory

no code implementations27 May 2023 Andrey Kurenkov, Michael Lingelbach, Tanmay Agarwal, Emily Jin, Chengshu Li, Ruohan Zhang, Li Fei-Fei, Jiajun Wu, Silvio Savarese, Roberto Martín-Martín

We evaluate our method in the Dynamic House Simulator, a new benchmark that creates diverse dynamic graphs following the semantic patterns typically seen at homes, and show that NEP can be trained to predict the locations of objects in a variety of environments with diverse object movement dynamics, outperforming baselines both in terms of new scene adaptability and overall accuracy.

Link Prediction

Saved You A Click: Automatically Answering Clickbait Titles

1 code implementation15 Dec 2022 Oliver Johnson, Beicheng Lou, Janet Zhong, Andrey Kurenkov

Often clickbait articles have a title that is phrased as a question or vague teaser that entices the user to click on the link and read the article to find the explanation.

Error-Aware Imitation Learning from Teleoperation Data for Mobile Manipulation

no code implementations9 Dec 2021 Josiah Wong, Albert Tung, Andrey Kurenkov, Ajay Mandlekar, Li Fei-Fei, Silvio Savarese, Roberto Martín-Martín

Doing this is challenging for two reasons: on the data side, current interfaces make collecting high-quality human demonstrations difficult, and on the learning side, policies trained on limited data can suffer from covariate shift when deployed.

Imitation Learning Navigate

iGibson 2.0: Object-Centric Simulation for Robot Learning of Everyday Household Tasks

1 code implementation6 Aug 2021 Chengshu Li, Fei Xia, Roberto Martín-Martín, Michael Lingelbach, Sanjana Srivastava, Bokui Shen, Kent Vainio, Cem Gokmen, Gokul Dharan, Tanish Jain, Andrey Kurenkov, C. Karen Liu, Hyowon Gweon, Jiajun Wu, Li Fei-Fei, Silvio Savarese

We evaluate the new capabilities of iGibson 2. 0 to enable robot learning of novel tasks, in the hope of demonstrating the potential of this new simulator to support new research in embodied AI.

Imitation Learning

Visuomotor Mechanical Search: Learning to Retrieve Target Objects in Clutter

no code implementations13 Aug 2020 Andrey Kurenkov, Joseph Taglic, Rohun Kulkarni, Marcus Dominguez-Kuhne, Animesh Garg, Roberto Martín-Martín, Silvio Savarese

When searching for objects in cluttered environments, it is often necessary to perform complex interactions in order to move occluding objects out of the way and fully reveal the object of interest and make it graspable.

Object Reinforcement Learning (RL) +1

Mechanical Search: Multi-Step Retrieval of a Target Object Occluded by Clutter

no code implementations4 Mar 2019 Michael Danielczuk, Andrey Kurenkov, Ashwin Balakrishna, Matthew Matl, David Wang, Roberto Martín-Martín, Animesh Garg, Silvio Savarese, Ken Goldberg

In this paper, we formalize Mechanical Search and study a version where distractor objects are heaped over the target object in a bin.


Learning Task-Oriented Grasping for Tool Manipulation from Simulated Self-Supervision

no code implementations25 Jun 2018 Kuan Fang, Yuke Zhu, Animesh Garg, Andrey Kurenkov, Viraj Mehta, Li Fei-Fei, Silvio Savarese

We perform both simulated and real-world experiments on two tool-based manipulation tasks: sweeping and hammering.

DeformNet: Free-Form Deformation Network for 3D Shape Reconstruction from a Single Image

no code implementations11 Aug 2017 Andrey Kurenkov, Jingwei Ji, Animesh Garg, Viraj Mehta, JunYoung Gwak, Christopher Choy, Silvio Savarese

We evaluate our approach on the ShapeNet dataset and show that - (a) the Free-Form Deformation layer is a powerful new building block for Deep Learning models that manipulate 3D data (b) DeformNet uses this FFD layer combined with shape retrieval for smooth and detail-preserving 3D reconstruction of qualitatively plausible point clouds with respect to a single query image (c) compared to other state-of-the-art 3D reconstruction methods, DeformNet quantitatively matches or outperforms their benchmarks by significant margins.

3D Reconstruction 3D Shape Reconstruction +1

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