Visual Navigation

105 papers with code • 6 benchmarks • 16 datasets

Visual Navigation is the problem of navigating an agent, e.g. a mobile robot, in an environment using camera input only. The agent is given a target image (an image it will see from the target position), and its goal is to move from its current position to the target by applying a sequence of actions, based on the camera observations only.

Source: Vision-based Navigation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning


Use these libraries to find Visual Navigation models and implementations

Offline Reinforcement Learning for Visual Navigation

arjunbhorkar/ReViND 16 Dec 2022

Reinforcement learning can enable robots to navigate to distant goals while optimizing user-specified reward functions, including preferences for following lanes, staying on paved paths, or avoiding freshly mowed grass.

16 Dec 2022

BEVBert: Multimodal Map Pre-training for Language-guided Navigation

marsaki/vln-bevbert ICCV 2023

Concretely, we build a local metric map to explicitly aggregate incomplete observations and remove duplicates, while modeling navigation dependency in a global topological map.

08 Dec 2022

Last-Mile Embodied Visual Navigation

jbwasse2/sling 21 Nov 2022

Realistic long-horizon tasks like image-goal navigation involve exploratory and exploitative phases.

21 Nov 2022

Towards Versatile Embodied Navigation

hanqingwangai/vxn 30 Oct 2022

With the emergence of varied visual navigation tasks (e. g, image-/object-/audio-goal and vision-language navigation) that specify the target in different ways, the community has made appealing advances in training specialized agents capable of handling individual navigation tasks well.

30 Oct 2022

ViNL: Visual Navigation and Locomotion Over Obstacles

SimarKareer/legged_gym 26 Oct 2022

ViNL consists of: (1) a visual navigation policy that outputs linear and angular velocity commands that guides the robot to a goal coordinate in unfamiliar indoor environments; and (2) a visual locomotion policy that controls the robot's joints to avoid stepping on obstacles while following provided velocity commands.

26 Oct 2022

Learning from Unlabeled 3D Environments for Vision-and-Language Navigation

cshizhe/HM3DAutoVLN 24 Aug 2022

Our resulting HM3D-AutoVLN dataset is an order of magnitude larger than existing VLN datasets in terms of navigation environments and instructions.

24 Aug 2022

Visual Pre-training for Navigation: What Can We Learn from Noise?

yanweiw/noise2ptz 30 Jun 2022

One powerful paradigm in visual navigation is to predict actions from observations directly.

30 Jun 2022

Good Time to Ask: A Learning Framework for Asking for Help in Embodied Visual Navigation

jennyzzt/good_time_to_ask 20 Jun 2022

In reality, it is often more efficient to ask for help than to search the entire space to find an object with an unknown location.

20 Jun 2022

What do navigation agents learn about their environment?

allenai/isee CVPR 2022

We use iSEE to probe the dynamic representations produced by these agents for the presence of information about the agent as well as the environment.

17 Jun 2022

SoundSpaces 2.0: A Simulation Platform for Visual-Acoustic Learning

facebookresearch/sound-spaces 16 Jun 2022

We introduce SoundSpaces 2. 0, a platform for on-the-fly geometry-based audio rendering for 3D environments.

16 Jun 2022