Systematic Generalization

62 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 7 datasets

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Learning to Execute Programs with Instruction Pointer Attention Graph Neural Networks

google-research/google-research NeurIPS 2020

More practically, we evaluate these models on the task of learning to execute partial programs, as might arise if using the model as a heuristic function in program synthesis.

Learning from Task Descriptions

allenai/zest EMNLP 2020

Typically, machine learning systems solve new tasks by training on thousands of examples.

The role of Disentanglement in Generalisation

mmrl/disent-and-gen ICLR 2021

It is claimed that such representations should be able to capture the compositional structure of the world which can then be combined to produce novel representations.

Systematic Generalization in Neural Networks-based Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Models

Hritikbansal/MultivariateTimeSeries_Generalization 10 Feb 2021

Systematic generalization aims to evaluate reasoning about novel combinations from known components, an intrinsic property of human cognition.

Modelling the development of counting with memory-augmented neural networks

lucidrains/esbn-transformer 21 May 2021

Learning to count is an important example of the broader human capacity for systematic generalization, and the development of counting is often characterized by an inflection point when children rapidly acquire proficiency with the procedures that support this ability.

SyGNS: A Systematic Generalization Testbed Based on Natural Language Semantics

verypluming/SyGNS Findings (ACL) 2021

We also find that the generalization performance to unseen combinations is better when the form of meaning representations is simpler.

Structured Reordering for Modeling Latent Alignments in Sequence Transduction

berlino/tensor2struct-public NeurIPS 2021

Despite success in many domains, neural models struggle in settings where train and test examples are drawn from different distributions.

Lexicon Learning for Few-Shot Neural Sequence Modeling

ekinakyurek/lexical 7 Jun 2021

Sequence-to-sequence transduction is the core problem in language processing applications as diverse as semantic parsing, machine translation, and instruction following.

How Modular Should Neural Module Networks Be for Systematic Generalization?

vanessadamario/understanding_reasoning NeurIPS 2021

Neural Module Networks (NMNs) aim at Visual Question Answering (VQA) via composition of modules that tackle a sub-task.

Generalization and Robustness Implications in Object-Centric Learning

addtt/object-centric-library 1 Jul 2021

The idea behind object-centric representation learning is that natural scenes can better be modeled as compositions of objects and their relations as opposed to distributed representations.