Imitation Learning

521 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 18 datasets

Imitation Learning is a framework for learning a behavior policy from demonstrations. Usually, demonstrations are presented in the form of state-action trajectories, with each pair indicating the action to take at the state being visited. In order to learn the behavior policy, the demonstrated actions are usually utilized in two ways. The first, known as Behavior Cloning (BC), treats the action as the target label for each state, and then learns a generalized mapping from states to actions in a supervised manner. Another way, known as Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL), views the demonstrated actions as a sequence of decisions, and aims at finding a reward/cost function under which the demonstrated decisions are optimal.

Finally, a newer methodology, Inverse Q-Learning aims at directly learning Q-functions from expert data, implicitly representing rewards, under which the optimal policy can be given as a Boltzmann distribution similar to soft Q-learning

Source: Learning to Imitate


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Latest papers with no code

SAFE-GIL: SAFEty Guided Imitation Learning

no code yet • 8 Apr 2024

The algorithm abstracts the imitation error as an adversarial disturbance in the system dynamics, injects it during data collection to expose the expert to safety critical states, and collects corrective actions.

Prompting Multi-Modal Tokens to Enhance End-to-End Autonomous Driving Imitation Learning with LLMs

no code yet • 7 Apr 2024

The utilization of Large Language Models (LLMs) within the realm of reinforcement learning, particularly as planners, has garnered a significant degree of attention in recent scholarly literature.

SENSOR: Imitate Third-Person Expert's Behaviors via Active Sensoring

no code yet • 4 Apr 2024

In many real-world visual Imitation Learning (IL) scenarios, there is a misalignment between the agent's and the expert's perspectives, which might lead to the failure of imitation.

DIDA: Denoised Imitation Learning based on Domain Adaptation

no code yet • 4 Apr 2024

Imitating skills from low-quality datasets, such as sub-optimal demonstrations and observations with distractors, is common in real-world applications.

Imitation Game: A Model-based and Imitation Learning Deep Reinforcement Learning Hybrid

no code yet • 2 Apr 2024

Autonomous and learning systems based on Deep Reinforcement Learning have firmly established themselves as a foundation for approaches to creating resilient and efficient Cyber-Physical Energy Systems.

RiEMann: Near Real-Time SE(3)-Equivariant Robot Manipulation without Point Cloud Segmentation

no code yet • 28 Mar 2024

RiEMann learns a manipulation task from scratch with 5 to 10 demonstrations, generalizes to unseen SE(3) transformations and instances of target objects, resists visual interference of distracting objects, and follows the near real-time pose change of the target object.

Keypoint Action Tokens Enable In-Context Imitation Learning in Robotics

no code yet • 28 Mar 2024

We show that off-the-shelf text-based Transformers, with no additional training, can perform few-shot in-context visual imitation learning, mapping visual observations to action sequences that emulate the demonstrator's behaviour.

Offline Imitation Learning from Multiple Baselines with Applications to Compiler Optimization

no code yet • 28 Mar 2024

This work studies a Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem in which we are given a set of trajectories collected with K baseline policies.

LORD: Large Models based Opposite Reward Design for Autonomous Driving

no code yet • 27 Mar 2024

Recently, large pretrained models have gained significant attention as zero-shot reward models for tasks specified with desired linguistic goals.

LASIL: Learner-Aware Supervised Imitation Learning For Long-term Microscopic Traffic Simulation

no code yet • 26 Mar 2024

Due to the covariate shift issue, existing imitation learning-based simulators often fail to generate stable long-term simulations.