Argoverse 2 Motion Forecasting

Introduced by Wilson et al. in Argoverse 2: Next Generation Datasets for Self-Driving Perception and Forecasting

The Argoverse 2 Motion Forecasting Dataset is a curated collection of 250,000 scenarios for training and validation. Each scenario is 11 seconds long and contains the 2D, birds-eye-view centroid and heading of each tracked object sampled at 10 Hz.

To curate this collection, we sifted through thousands of hours of driving data from our fleet of self-driving test vehicles to find the most challenging segments. We place special emphasis on kinematically and socially unusual behavior, especially when exhibited by actors relevant to the ego-vehicle’s decision-making process. Some examples of interactions captured within our dataset include: buses navigating through multi-lane intersections, vehicles yielding to pedestrians at crosswalks, and cyclists sharing dense city streets.

Spanning 2,000+ km over six geographically diverse cities, Argoverse 2 covers a large geographic area. Argoverse 2 also contains a large object taxonomy with 10 non-overlapping classes that encompass a broad range of actors, both static and dynamic. In comparison to the Argoverse 1 Motion Forecasting Dataset, the scenarios in this dataset are approximately twice as long and more diverse.

Together, these changes incentivize methods that perform well on extended forecast horizons, handle multiple types of dynamic objects, and ensure safety in long tail scenarios.


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