Search Results for author: Solange Rossato

Found 20 papers, 1 papers with code

Investigating the Impact of Gender Representation in ASR Training Data: a Case Study on Librispeech

no code implementations ACL (GeBNLP) 2021 Mahault Garnerin, Solange Rossato, Laurent Besacier

In this paper we question the impact of gender representation in training data on the performance of an end-to-end ASR system.

Repr\'esentation du genre dans des donn\'ees open source de parole (Gender representation in open source speech resources 1 With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and the growing use of deep-learning architectures, the question of ethics and transparency in AI systems has become a central concern within the research community)

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2020 Mahault Garnerin, Solange Rossato, Laurent Besacier

Avec l{'}essor de l{'}intelligence artificielle (IA) et l{'}utilisation croissante des architectures d{'}apprentissage profond, la question de l{'}{\'e}thique et de la transparence des syst{\`e}mes d{'}IA est devenue une pr{\'e}occupation centrale au sein de la communaut{\'e} de recherche.


Pratiques d'\'evaluation en ASR et biais de performance (Evaluation methodology in ASR and performance bias)

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2020 Mahault Garnerin, Solange Rossato, Laurent Besacier

Nous proposons une r{\'e}flexion sur les pratiques d{'}{\'e}valuation des syst{\`e}mes de reconnaissance automatique de la parole (ASR).

Proximit\'e rythmique entre apprenants et natifs du fran\ccais \'Evaluation d'une m\'etrique bas\'ee sur le CEFC (Rhythmic Proximity Between Natives And Learners Of French -- Evaluation of a metric based on the CEFC corpus )

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2020 Sylvain Coulange, Solange Rossato

Nous avons utilis{\'e} le Corpus pour l{'}{\'E}tude du Fran{\c{c}}ais Contemporain, qui propose plus de 300 heures de parole aux profils de locuteurs et aux situations vari{\'e}s. Nous nous sommes concentr{\'e}s sur 16 param{\`e}tres temporels estim{\'e}s {\`a} partir des dur{\'e}es de voisement et de syllabes.


Rhythmic Proximity Between Natives And Learners Of French - Evaluation of a metric based on the CEFC corpus

no code implementations LREC 2020 Sylvain Coulange, Solange Rossato

A gaussian mixture model was trained on 1, 340 native speakers of French; any 30-second minimum speech may be computed to get the probability of its belonging to this model.

Gender Representation in Open Source Speech Resources

no code implementations LREC 2020 Mahault Garnerin, Solange Rossato, Laurent Besacier

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and the growing use of deep-learning architectures, the question of ethics, transparency and fairness of AI systems has become a central concern within the research community.

Ethics Fairness

FABIOLE, a Speech Database for Forensic Speaker Comparison

no code implementations LREC 2016 Moez Ajili, Jean-Fran{\c{c}}ois Bonastre, Juliette Kahn, Solange Rossato, Guillaume Bernard

A speech database has been collected for use to highlight the importance of {``}speaker factor{''} in forensic voice comparison.

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