Search Results for author: Mayank Jain

Found 11 papers, 5 papers with code

Learning Cross-Task Attribute - Attribute Similarity for Multi-task Attribute-Value Extraction

no code implementations ACL (ECNLP) 2021 Mayank Jain, Sourangshu Bhattacharya, Harshit Jain, Karimulla Shaik, Muthusamy Chelliah

We perform detailed experiments to show that our method indeed increases the macro-F1 scores for attribute value extraction in general, and for labels with low training data in particular.

Attribute Attribute Value Extraction +1

On the Relationship Between Ground- and Satellite- Based Global Horizontal Irradiance

1 code implementation15 Jun 2022 Mayank Jain, Deepak Joel Yericherla, Soumyabrata Dev

Global horizontal irradiance (GHI) plays a significant role in maintaining the earth's ecological balance and generating electricity in photovoltaic systems.

Weather Forecasting

Monitoring Atmospheric Pollutants From Ground-based Observations

no code implementations21 Oct 2021 Nicholas Danesi, Mayank Jain, Yee Hui Lee, Soumyabrata Dev

Remote sensing analysts continuously monitor the amount of pollutants in the atmosphere.


Detecting Blurred Ground-based Sky/Cloud Images

1 code implementation19 Oct 2021 Mayank Jain, Navya Jain, Yee Hui Lee, Stefan Winkler, Soumyabrata Dev

To the best of our knowledge, our approach is the first of its kind in the automatic identification of blurred images for ground-based sky/cloud images.

Using GANs to Augment Data for Cloud Image Segmentation Task

no code implementations6 Jun 2021 Mayank Jain, Conor Meegan, Soumyabrata Dev

While cloud/sky image segmentation has extensive real-world applications, a large amount of labelled data is needed to train a highly accurate models to perform the task.

Image Segmentation Segmentation +1

A Clustering Framework for Residential Electric Demand Profiles

1 code implementation17 May 2021 Mayank Jain, Tarek Alskaif, Soumyabrata Dev

The availability of residential electric demand profiles data, enabled by the large-scale deployment of smart metering infrastructure, has made it possible to perform more accurate analysis of electricity consumption patterns.

Clustering Dimensionality Reduction

Validating Clustering Frameworks for Electric Load Demand Profiles

1 code implementation26 Feb 2021 Mayank Jain, Tarek Alskaif, Soumyabrata Dev

Clustering analysis of these profiles is important to further analyze and comment on electricity consumption patterns.

Clustering Dimensionality Reduction

Forecasting Precipitable Water Vapor Using LSTMs

1 code implementation26 Jun 2020 Mayank Jain, Shilpa Manandhar, Yee Hui Lee, Stefan Winkler, Soumyabrata Dev

Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) networks have been used extensively for time series forecasting in recent years due to their ability of learning patterns over different periods of time.

Time Series Time Series Forecasting

Automatic Identification of Closely-related Indian Languages: Resources and Experiments

no code implementations26 Mar 2018 Ritesh Kumar, Bornini Lahiri, Deepak Alok, Atul Kr. Ojha, Mayank Jain, Abdul Basit, Yogesh Dawer

In this paper, we discuss an attempt to develop an automatic language identification system for 5 closely-related Indo-Aryan languages of India, Awadhi, Bhojpuri, Braj, Hindi and Magahi.

Language Identification

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