Attribute Value Extraction

12 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

OpenTag: Open Attribute Value Extraction from Product Profiles [Deep Learning, Active Learning, Named Entity Recognition]

hackerxiaobai/OpenTag_2019 1 Jun 2018

We study this problem in the context of product catalogs that often have missing values for many attributes of interest.

Scaling up Open Tagging from Tens to Thousands: Comprehension Empowered Attribute Value Extraction from Product Title

hackerxiaobai/OpenTag_2019 ACL 2019

Supplementing product information by extracting attribute values from title is a crucial task in e-Commerce domain.

Multimodal Joint Attribute Prediction and Value Extraction for E-commerce Product

jd-aig/JAVE EMNLP 2020

We annotate a multimodal product attribute value dataset that contains 87, 194 instances, and the experimental results on this dataset demonstrate that explicitly modeling the relationship between attributes and values facilitates our method to establish the correspondence between them, and selectively utilizing visual product information is necessary for the task.

MAVE: A Product Dataset for Multi-source Attribute Value Extraction

google-research-datasets/mave 16 Dec 2021

Attribute value extraction refers to the task of identifying values of an attribute of interest from product information.

CAVE: Correcting Attribute Values in E-commerce Profiles

kassemsabeh/CAVE-demo ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management 2022

To the best of our knowledge, CAVE is the first system that allows users to experiment with a number of powerful QA models and compare their performances on attribute values correction using real-word datasets.

AE-smnsMLC: Multi-Label Classification with Semantic Matching and Negative Label Sampling for Product Attribute Value Extraction

zhongfendeng/ae-smnsmlc 11 Oct 2023

In this paper, we reformulate this task as a multi-label classification task that can be applied for real-world scenario in which only annotation of attribute values is available to train models (i. e., annotation of positional information of attribute values is not available).

Product Attribute Value Extraction using Large Language Models

wbsg-uni-mannheim/extractgpt 19 Oct 2023

We propose different prompt templates for instructing LLMs about the target schema of the extraction, covering both zero-shot and few-shot scenarios.

JPAVE: A Generation and Classification-based Model for Joint Product Attribute Prediction and Value Extraction

zhongfendeng/jpave 7 Nov 2023

Furthermore, the copy mechanism in value generator and the value attention module in value classifier help our model address the data discrepancy issue by only focusing on the relevant part of input text and ignoring other information which causes the discrepancy issue such as sentence structure in the text.

Multi-Label Zero-Shot Product Attribute-Value Extraction

gjiaying/hyperpave 13 Feb 2024

We propose HyperPAVE, a multi-label zero-shot attribute value extraction model that leverages inductive inference in heterogeneous hypergraphs.