Search Results for author: Derek Long

Found 12 papers, 0 papers with code

Long-Range Route-planning for Autonomous Vehicles in the Polar Oceans

no code implementations30 Oct 2021 Maria Fox, Michael Meredith, J. Alexander Brearley, Dan Jones, Derek Long

There is an increasing demand for piloted autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to operate in polar ice conditions.

Autonomous Vehicles

Improving Search by Utilizing State Information in OPTIC Planners Compilation to LP

no code implementations15 Jun 2021 Elad Denenberg, Amanda Coles, Derek Long

Automated planners are computer tools that allow autonomous agents to make strategies and decisions by determining a set of actions for the agent that to take, which will carry a system from a given initial state to the desired goal state.

Efficient Temporal Piecewise-Linear Numeric Planning with Lazy Consistency Checking

no code implementations21 May 2021 Josef Bajada, Maria Fox, Derek Long

Temporal planning often involves numeric effects that are directly proportional to their action's duration.

D-VAL: An automatic functional equivalence validation tool for planning domain models

no code implementations29 Apr 2021 Anas Shrinah, Derek Long, Kerstin Eder

This paper introduces an approach to validate the functional equivalence of planning domain models.

Contrastive Explanations of Plans Through Model Restrictions

no code implementations29 Mar 2021 Benjamin Krarup, Senka Krivic, Daniele Magazzeni, Derek Long, Michael Cashmore, David E. Smith

We formally define model-based compilations in PDDL2. 1 of each constraint derived from a user question in the taxonomy, and empirically evaluate the compilations in terms of computational complexity.

Towards Contrastive Explanations for Comparing the Ethics of Plans

no code implementations22 Jun 2020 Benjamin Krarup, Senka Krivic, Felix Lindner, Derek Long

The development of robotics and AI agents has enabled their wider usage in human surroundings.


Explainable Planning

no code implementations29 Sep 2017 Maria Fox, Derek Long, Daniele Magazzeni

As AI is increasingly being adopted into application solutions, the challenge of supporting interaction with humans is becoming more apparent.

A Hybrid LP-RPG Heuristic for Modelling Numeric Resource Flows in Planning

no code implementations4 Feb 2014 Amanda Jane Coles, Andrew Ian Coles, Maria Fox, Derek Long

This MIP is then combined with a metric Relaxed Planning Graph (RPG) heuristic to produce an integrated hybrid heuristic.

Plan-based Policies for Efficient Multiple Battery Load Management

no code implementations23 Jan 2014 Maria Fox, Derek Long, Daniele Magazzeni

Application of the approach leads to construction of policies that, in simulation, significantly outperform those that are currently in use and the best published solutions to the battery management problem.


COLIN: Planning with Continuous Linear Numeric Change

no code implementations23 Jan 2014 Amanda J. Coles, Andrew I. Coles, Maria Fox, Derek Long

The LP is used to compute bounds on the values of variables in each state, reducing the range of actions that need to be considered for application.

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