Video Object Tracking

28 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 11 datasets

Video Object Detection aims to detect targets in videos using both spatial and temporal information. It's usually deeply integrated with tasks such as Object Detection and Object Tracking.


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3 papers

Most implemented papers

Revealing the Dark Secrets of Masked Image Modeling

SwinTransformer/MIM-Depth-Estimation CVPR 2023

In this paper, we compare MIM with the long-dominant supervised pre-trained models from two perspectives, the visualizations and the experiments, to uncover their key representational differences.

Learning What and Where: Disentangling Location and Identity Tracking Without Supervision

CognitiveModeling/Loci 26 May 2022

Moreover, it can anticipate object motion and interactions, which are crucial abilities for conceptual planning and reasoning.

A Real-Time Wrong-Way Vehicle Detection Based on YOLO and Centroid Tracking

zillur-av/wrong-way-vehicle-detection 19 Oct 2022

By detecting wrong-way vehicles, the number of accidents can be minimized and traffic jam can be reduced.

Target-Aware Tracking with Long-term Context Attention

hekaijie123/TATrack 27 Feb 2023

Most deep trackers still follow the guidance of the siamese paradigms and use a template that contains only the target without any contextual information, which makes it difficult for the tracker to cope with large appearance changes, rapid target movement, and attraction from similar objects.

Track Anything: Segment Anything Meets Videos

gaomingqi/track-anything 24 Apr 2023

Therefore, in this report, we propose Track Anything Model (TAM), which achieves high-performance interactive tracking and segmentation in videos.

Single-Model and Any-Modality for Video Object Tracking

zongwei97/untrack 27 Nov 2023

In practice, most existing RGB trackers learn a single set of parameters to use them across datasets and applications.

ARTrackV2: Prompting Autoregressive Tracker Where to Look and How to Describe

miv-xjtu/artrack 28 Dec 2023

We present ARTrackV2, which integrates two pivotal aspects of tracking: determining where to look (localization) and how to describe (appearance analysis) the target object across video frames.

UniVS: Unified and Universal Video Segmentation with Prompts as Queries

minghanli/univs 28 Feb 2024

Despite the recent advances in unified image segmentation (IS), developing a unified video segmentation (VS) model remains a challenge.