Text-Independent Speaker Verification

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2 papers

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FDN: Finite Difference Network with Hierarchical Convolutional Features for Text-independent Speaker Verification

happyjin/fdn 18 Aug 2021

For example, RawNet and RawNet2 extracted speaker's feature embeddings from waveforms automatically for recognizing their voice, which can vastly reduce the front-end computation and obtain state-of-the-art performance.

FilterAugment: An Acoustic Environmental Data Augmentation Method

frednam93/FilterAugSED 7 Oct 2021

Thus, training acoustic models for audio and speech tasks requires regularization on various acoustic environments in order to achieve robust performance in real life applications.

Temporal Dynamic Convolutional Neural Network for Text-Independent Speaker Verification and Phonemetic Analysis

shkim816/temporal_dynamic_cnn 7 Oct 2021

The temporal dynamic model adapts itself to phonemes without explicitly given phoneme information during training, and results show the necessity to consider phoneme variation within utterances for more accurate and robust text-independent speaker verification.

Decomposed Temporal Dynamic CNN: Efficient Time-Adaptive Network for Text-Independent Speaker Verification Explained with Speaker Activation Map

shkim816/decomposed_temporal_dynamic_cnn 29 Mar 2022

To extract accurate speaker information for text-independent speaker verification, temporal dynamic CNNs (TDY-CNNs) adapting kernels to each time bin was proposed.

The effect of speech pathology on automatic speaker verification -- a large-scale study

tayebiarasteh/pathology_asv 13 Apr 2022

Navigating the challenges of data-driven speech processing, one of the primary hurdles is accessing reliable pathological speech data.

Cross-modal Audio-visual Co-learning for Text-independent Speaker Verification

danielmengliu/audiovisuallip 22 Feb 2023

Visual speech (i. e., lip motion) is highly related to auditory speech due to the co-occurrence and synchronization in speech production.

DS-TDNN: Dual-stream Time-delay Neural Network with Global-aware Filter for Speaker Verification

ychenl/ds-tdnn 20 Mar 2023

To effectively leverage the long-term dependencies of audio signals and constrain model complexity, we introduce a novel module called Global-aware Filter layer (GF layer) in this work, which employs a set of learnable transform-domain filters between a 1D discrete Fourier transform and its inverse transform to capture global context.