Neural Rendering

144 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 7 datasets

Given a representation of a 3D scene of some kind (point cloud, mesh, voxels, etc.), the task is to create an algorithm that can produce photorealistic renderings of this scene from an arbitrary viewpoint. Sometimes, the task is accompanied by image/scene appearance manipulation.


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2 papers

Most implemented papers

TIFace: Improving Facial Reconstruction through Tensorial Radiance Fields and Implicit Surfaces

ruijiezhu94/ti-face 15 Dec 2023

This report describes the solution that secured the first place in the "View Synthesis Challenge for Human Heads (VSCHH)" at the ICCV 2023 workshop.

Geometry-Aware Neural Rendering

josh-tobin/egqn-datasets NeurIPS 2019

Understanding the 3-dimensional structure of the world is a core challenge in computer vision and robotics.

Neural Voxel Renderer: Learning an Accurate and Controllable Rendering Tool

km3888/zeroforge CVPR 2020

Finally, we show how our neural rendering framework can capture and faithfully render objects from real images and from a diverse set of classes.

Neural Voice Puppetry: Audio-driven Facial Reenactment

miu200521358/NeuralVoicePuppetryMMD ECCV 2020

Neural Voice Puppetry has a variety of use-cases, including audio-driven video avatars, video dubbing, and text-driven video synthesis of a talking head.

Equivariant Neural Rendering

apple/ml-equivariant-neural-rendering ICML 2020

We propose a framework for learning neural scene representations directly from images, without 3D supervision.

Pose2RGBD. Generating Depth and RGB images from absolute positions

mihaicristianpirvu/pose2rgbd 14 Jul 2020

We propose a method at the intersection of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics fields, which automatically generates RGBD images using neural networks, based on previously seen and synchronized video, depth and pose signals.

Learning Adaptive Sampling and Reconstruction for Volume Visualization

shamanDevel/AdaptiveSampling 20 Jul 2020

A central challenge in data visualization is to understand which data samples are required to generate an image of a data set in which the relevant information is encoded.

End-to-End Optimization of Scene Layout

aluo-x/3D_SLN CVPR 2020

Experiments suggest that our model achieves higher accuracy and diversity in conditional scene synthesis and allows exemplar-based scene generation from various input forms.

Crowdsampling the Plenoptic Function

3a1b2c3/seeingSpace ECCV 2020

These photos represent a sparse and unstructured sampling of the plenoptic function for a particular scene.