Hate Speech Detection

164 papers with code • 14 benchmarks • 39 datasets

Hate speech detection is the task of detecting if communication such as text, audio, and so on contains hatred and or encourages violence towards a person or a group of people. This is usually based on prejudice against 'protected characteristics' such as their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age et al. Some example benchmarks are ETHOS and HateXplain. Models can be evaluated with metrics like the F-score or F-measure.


Use these libraries to find Hate Speech Detection models and implementations

TurkishBERTweet: Fast and Reliable Large Language Model for Social Media Analysis

virallab/turkishbertweet 29 Nov 2023

Wide us of this language on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, or Tiktok and strategic position of the country in the world politics makes it appealing for the social network researchers and industry.

29 Nov 2023

Improving Cross-Domain Hate Speech Generalizability with Emotion Knowledge

sy-hong/ek-hs-generalizability 24 Nov 2023

Reliable automatic hate speech (HS) detection systems must adapt to the in-flow of diverse new data to curtail hate speech.

24 Nov 2023

Latent Feature-based Data Splits to Improve Generalisation Evaluation: A Hate Speech Detection Case Study

maikezuefle/latent-feature-splits 16 Nov 2023

We challenge hate speech models via new train-test splits of existing datasets that rely on the clustering of models' hidden representations.

16 Nov 2023

GPT-4V(ision) as A Social Media Analysis Engine

vista-h/gpt-4v_social_media 13 Nov 2023

Our investigation begins with a preliminary quantitative analysis for each task using existing benchmark datasets, followed by a careful review of the results and a selection of qualitative samples that illustrate GPT-4V's potential in understanding multimodal social media content.

13 Nov 2023

Automatic Textual Normalization for Hate Speech Detection

anhhoang0529/small-lexnormvihsd 12 Nov 2023

Our dataset is accessible for research purposes.

12 Nov 2023

mahaNLP: A Marathi Natural Language Processing Library

l3cube-pune/MarathiNLP 5 Nov 2023

We present mahaNLP, an open-source natural language processing (NLP) library specifically built for the Marathi language.

05 Nov 2023

HARE: Explainable Hate Speech Detection with Step-by-Step Reasoning

joonkeekim/hare-hate-speech 1 Nov 2023

With the proliferation of social media, accurate detection of hate speech has become critical to ensure safety online.

01 Nov 2023

K-HATERS: A Hate Speech Detection Corpus in Korean with Target-Specific Ratings

ssu-humane/k-haters 24 Oct 2023

This resource is the largest offensive language corpus in Korean and is the first to offer target-specific ratings on a three-point Likert scale, enabling the detection of hate expressions in Korean across varying degrees of offensiveness.

24 Oct 2023

InterroLang: Exploring NLP Models and Datasets through Dialogue-based Explanations

dfki-nlp/interrolang 9 Oct 2023

While recently developed NLP explainability methods let us open the black box in various ways (Madsen et al., 2022), a missing ingredient in this endeavor is an interactive tool offering a conversational interface.

09 Oct 2023

KoMultiText: Large-Scale Korean Text Dataset for Classifying Biased Speech in Real-World Online Services

dasol-choi/komultitext 6 Oct 2023

With the growth of online services, the need for advanced text classification algorithms, such as sentiment analysis and biased text detection, has become increasingly evident.

06 Oct 2023