Grammatical Error Detection

17 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Grammatical Error Detection (GED) is the task of detecting different kinds of errors in text such as spelling, punctuation, grammatical, and word choice errors. Grammatical error detection (GED) is one of the key component in grammatical error correction (GEC) community.

Most implemented papers

Neural Quality Estimation with Multiple Hypotheses for Grammatical Error Correction

thunlp/VERNet NAACL 2021

Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) aims to correct writing errors and help language learners improve their writing skills.

Probing for targeted syntactic knowledge through grammatical error detection

chrisdavis90/ged-syntax-probing 28 Oct 2022

Targeted studies testing knowledge of subject-verb agreement (SVA) indicate that pre-trained language models encode syntactic information.

Advancements in Arabic Grammatical Error Detection and Correction: An Empirical Investigation

camel-lab/arabic-gec 24 May 2023

We also define the task of multi-class Arabic grammatical error detection (GED) and present the first results on multi-class Arabic GED.

Evaluation of really good grammatical error correction

robertostling/gec-evaluation 17 Aug 2023

We find that GPT-3 in a few-shot setting by far outperforms previous grammatical error correction systems for Swedish, a language comprising only 0. 11% of its training data.

GECTurk: Grammatical Error Correction and Detection Dataset for Turkish

GGLAB-KU/gecturk 20 Sep 2023

To encourage further research on Turkish GEC, we release our datasets, baseline models, and the synthetic data generation pipeline at https://github. com/GGLAB-KU/gecturk.