Forward reaction prediction

3 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Forward reaction prediction pertains to the anticipatory determination of the probable product(s) of a chemical reaction, given specific reactants and reagents. This facilitates the optimization of research and development methodologies, curbs the extent of experimental speculation, and endorses greener chemistry practices by mitigating waste production.

Most implemented papers

Mol-Instructions: A Large-Scale Biomolecular Instruction Dataset for Large Language Models

zjunlp/mol-instructions 13 Jun 2023

Large Language Models (LLMs), with their remarkable task-handling capabilities and innovative outputs, have catalyzed significant advancements across a spectrum of fields.

BioT5+: Towards Generalized Biological Understanding with IUPAC Integration and Multi-task Tuning

QizhiPei/BioT5 27 Feb 2024

However, previous efforts like BioT5 faced challenges in generalizing across diverse tasks and lacked a nuanced understanding of molecular structures, particularly in their textual representations (e. g., IUPAC).

A Self-feedback Knowledge Elicitation Approach for Chemical Reaction Predictions

ai-hpc-research-team/slm4crp 15 Apr 2024

The task of chemical reaction predictions (CRPs) plays a pivotal role in advancing drug discovery and material science.