Entity Disambiguation

57 papers with code • 11 benchmarks • 12 datasets

Entity Disambiguation is the task of linking mentions of ambiguous entities to their referent entities in a knowledge base such as Wikipedia.

Source: Leveraging Deep Neural Networks and Knowledge Graphs for Entity Disambiguation

Most implemented papers

End-to-End Neural Entity Linking

dalab/end2end_neural_el CONLL 2018

Entity Linking (EL) is an essential task for semantic text understanding and information extraction.

Learning Text Representations for 500K Classification Tasks on Named Entity Disambiguation

anderbarrena/500kNED CONLL 2018

Named Entity Disambiguation algorithms typically learn a single model for all target entities.

Named Entity Disambiguation using Deep Learning on Graphs

ContextScout/ned-graphs 22 Oct 2018

We tackle \ac{NED} by comparing entities in short sentences with \wikidata{} graphs.

Entity Synonym Discovery via Multipiece Bilateral Context Matching

czhang99/SynonymNet 31 Dec 2018

Being able to automatically discover synonymous entities in an open-world setting benefits various tasks such as entity disambiguation or knowledge graph canonicalization.

Be Concise and Precise: Synthesizing Open-Domain Entity Descriptions from Facts

kingsaint/Wikidata-Descriptions 16 Apr 2019

Despite being vast repositories of factual information, cross-domain knowledge graphs, such as Wikidata and the Google Knowledge Graph, only sparsely provide short synoptic descriptions for entities.

Boosting Entity Linking Performance by Leveraging Unlabeled Documents

lephong/wnel ACL 2019

First, we construct a high recall list of candidate entities for each mention in an unlabeled document.

Neural Collective Entity Linking Based on Recurrent Random Walk Network Learning

DeepLearnXMU/RRWEL 20 Jun 2019

However, most neural collective EL methods depend entirely upon neural networks to automatically model the semantic dependencies between different EL decisions, which lack of the guidance from external knowledge.

Uncovering the Semantics of Wikipedia Categories

nheist/Cat2Ax 28 Jun 2019

The Wikipedia category graph serves as the taxonomic backbone for large-scale knowledge graphs like YAGO or Probase, and has been used extensively for tasks like entity disambiguation or semantic similarity estimation.

Global Entity Disambiguation with BERT

studio-ousia/luke NAACL 2022

We propose a global entity disambiguation (ED) model based on BERT.

Investigating Entity Knowledge in BERT with Simple Neural End-To-End Entity Linking

samuelbroscheit/entity_knowledge_in_bert CONLL 2019

We show on an entity linking benchmark that (i) this model improves the entity representations over plain BERT, (ii) that it outperforms entity linking architectures that optimize the tasks separately and (iii) that it only comes second to the current state-of-the-art that does mention detection and entity disambiguation jointly.