Automatic Post-Editing

25 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 10 datasets

Automatic post-editing (APE) is used to correct errors in the translation made by the machine translation systems.

Most implemented papers

Automatic Post-Editing for Vietnamese

tienthanhdhcn/VnAPE ALTA 2021

Automatic post-editing (APE) is an important remedy for reducing errors of raw translated texts that are produced by machine translation (MT) systems or software-aided translation.

Transfer Learning for Sequence Generation: from Single-source to Multi-source


Although directly finetuning pretrained models on MSG tasks and concatenating multiple sources into a single long sequence is regarded as a simple method to transfer pretrained models to MSG tasks, we conjecture that the direct finetuning method leads to catastrophic forgetting and solely relying on pretrained self-attention layers to capture cross-source information is not sufficient.

Using Pre-Trained Language Models for Producing Counter Narratives Against Hate Speech: a Comparative Study

osu-nlp-group/llm-cn-eval Findings (ACL) 2022

In this work, we present an extensive study on the use of pre-trained language models for the task of automatic Counter Narrative (CN) generation to fight online hate speech in English.

Automatic Correction of Human Translations

lilt/tec NAACL 2022

We show that human errors in TEC exhibit a more diverse range of errors and far fewer translation fluency errors than the MT errors in automatic post-editing datasets, suggesting the need for dedicated TEC models that are specialized to correct human errors.