Anomaly Detection

1225 papers with code • 66 benchmarks • 95 datasets

Anomaly Detection is a binary classification identifying unusual or unexpected patterns in a dataset, which deviate significantly from the majority of the data. The goal of anomaly detection is to identify such anomalies, which could represent errors, fraud, or other types of unusual events, and flag them for further investigation.

[Image source]: GAN-based Anomaly Detection in Imbalance Problems


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Most implemented papers

Deep and Confident Prediction for Time Series at Uber

PawaritL/BayesianLSTM 6 Sep 2017

Reliable uncertainty estimation for time series prediction is critical in many fields, including physics, biology, and manufacturing.

GluonTS: Probabilistic Time Series Models in Python

awslabs/gluon-ts 12 Jun 2019

We introduce Gluon Time Series (GluonTS, available at https://gluon-ts. mxnet. io), a library for deep-learning-based time series modeling.

Deep Anomaly Detection with Deviation Networks

GuansongPang/deviation-network 19 Nov 2019

Instead of representation learning, our method fulfills an end-to-end learning of anomaly scores by a neural deviation learning, in which we leverage a few (e. g., multiple to dozens) labeled anomalies and a prior probability to enforce statistically significant deviations of the anomaly scores of anomalies from that of normal data objects in the upper tail.

Learning Generalized Spoof Cues for Face Anti-spoofing

vis-var/lgsc-for-fas 8 May 2020

In this paper, we reformulate FAS in an anomaly detection perspective and propose a residual-learning framework to learn the discriminative live-spoof differences which are defined as the spoof cues.

Enhancing Graph Neural Network-based Fraud Detectors against Camouflaged Fraudsters

safe-graph/DGFraud 19 Aug 2020

Finally, the selected neighbors across different relations are aggregated together.

The Semantic Knowledge Graph: A compact, auto-generated model for real-time traversal and ranking of any relationship within a domain

careerbuilder/semantic-knowledge-graph 2 Sep 2016

This provides numerous benefits: the knowledge graph can be built automatically from a real-world corpus of data, new nodes - along with their combined edges - can be instantly materialized from any arbitrary combination of preexisting nodes (using set operations), and a full model of the semantic relationships between all entities within a domain can be represented and dynamically traversed using a highly compact representation of the graph.

Deep Sets

lwtnn/lwtnn NeurIPS 2017

Our main theorem characterizes the permutation invariant functions and provides a family of functions to which any permutation invariant objective function must belong.

Robust, Deep and Inductive Anomaly Detection

raghavchalapathy/rcae 22 Apr 2017

PCA is a classical statistical technique whose simplicity and maturity has seen it find widespread use as an anomaly detection technique.

A Multimodal Anomaly Detector for Robot-Assisted Feeding Using an LSTM-based Variational Autoencoder

chickenbestlover/RNN-Time-series-Anomaly-Detection 2 Nov 2017

The detection of anomalous executions is valuable for reducing potential hazards in assistive manipulation.