6D Pose Estimation using RGB

86 papers with code • 6 benchmarks • 6 datasets

6D Pose Estimation using RGB refers to the task of determining the six degree-of-freedom (6D) pose of an object in 3D space based on RGB images. This involves estimating the position and orientation of an object in a scene, and is a fundamental problem in computer vision and robotics. In this task, the goal is to estimate the 6D pose of an object given an RGB image of the object and the scene, which can be used for tasks such as robotic manipulation, augmented reality, and scene reconstruction.

( Image credit: Segmentation-driven 6D Object Pose Estimation )


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Most implemented papers

Wide-Depth-Range 6D Object Pose Estimation in Space

cvlab-epfl/wide-depth-range-pose CVPR 2021

6D pose estimation in space poses unique challenges that are not commonly encountered in the terrestrial setting.

DexYCB: A Benchmark for Capturing Hand Grasping of Objects

NVlabs/dex-ycb-toolkit CVPR 2021

We introduce DexYCB, a new dataset for capturing hand grasping of objects.

SO-Pose: Exploiting Self-Occlusion for Direct 6D Pose Estimation

shangbuhuan13/so-pose ICCV 2021

Directly regressing all 6 degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) for the object pose (e. g. the 3D rotation and translation) in a cluttered environment from a single RGB image is a challenging problem.

ROFT: Real-Time Optical Flow-Aided 6D Object Pose and Velocity Tracking

hsp-iit/roft 6 Nov 2021

In this work, we introduce ROFT, a Kalman filtering approach for 6D object pose and velocity tracking from a stream of RGB-D images.

Templates for 3D Object Pose Estimation Revisited: Generalization to New Objects and Robustness to Occlusions

nv-nguyen/template-pose CVPR 2022

It relies on a small set of training objects to learn local object representations, which allow us to locally match the input image to a set of "templates", rendered images of the CAD models for the new objects.

EPro-PnP: Generalized End-to-End Probabilistic Perspective-n-Points for Monocular Object Pose Estimation

tjiiv-cprg/epro-pnp-v2 22 Mar 2023

In this paper, we propose the EPro-PnP, a probabilistic PnP layer for general end-to-end pose estimation, which outputs a distribution of pose with differentiable probability density on the SE(3) manifold.

Rigidity-Aware Detection for 6D Object Pose Estimation

yanghai-1218/radet CVPR 2023

To address this, we propose a rigidity-aware detection method exploiting the fact that, in 6D pose estimation, the target objects are rigid.

SSD-6D: Making RGB-based 3D detection and 6D pose estimation great again

wadimkehl/ssd-6d ICCV 2017

We present a novel method for detecting 3D model instances and estimating their 6D poses from RGB data in a single shot.

BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation

thodan/bop_toolkit ECCV 2018

We propose a benchmark for 6D pose estimation of a rigid object from a single RGB-D input image.

Implicit 3D Orientation Learning for 6D Object Detection from RGB Images

DLR-RM/AugmentedAutoencoder ECCV 2018

Our novel 3D orientation estimation is based on a variant of the Denoising Autoencoder that is trained on simulated views of a 3D model using Domain Randomization.