3D Classification

33 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 11 datasets

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3 papers

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Triangle-Net: Towards Robustness in Point Cloud Learning

megayeye/triangle-net 27 Feb 2020

Previous research has shown that points' sparsity, rotation and positional inherent variance can lead to a significant drop in the performance of point cloud based classification techniques.

MeshWalker: Deep Mesh Understanding by Random Walks

AlonLahav/MeshWalker 9 Jun 2020

Each walk is organized as a list of vertices, which in some manner imposes regularity on the mesh.

Weakly Supervised 3D Classification of Chest CT using Aggregated Multi-Resolution Deep Segmentation Features

fitushar/WeaklySupervised-3D-Classification-of-Chest-CT-using-Aggregated-MultiResolution-Segmentation-Feature 31 Oct 2020

Second, segmentation and classification models are connected with two different feature aggregation strategies to enhance the classification performance.

Task-Oriented Feature Distillation

ArchipLab-LinfengZhang/Task-Oriented-Feature-Distillation NeurIPS 2020

Moreover, an orthogonal loss is applied to the feature resizing layer in TOFD to improve the performance of knowledge distillation.

Deep manifold learning reveals hidden dynamics of proteasome autoregulation

AlphaCryo4D/AlphaCryo4D 23 Dec 2020

The 2. 5-MDa 26S proteasome maintains proteostasis and regulates myriad cellular processes.

Convolutional neural networks for Alzheimer’s disease detection on MRI images

Amir-Ebrahimi66/Pre-trained-3D-ResNet-18 29 Apr 2021

Conclusions: Several implementations and experiments using CNNs on MRI scans for AD detection demonstrated that the voxel-based method with transfer learning from ImageNet to MRI datasets using 3D CNNs considerably improved the results compared with the others.

Subdivision-Based Mesh Convolution Networks

lzhengning/SubdivNet 4 Jun 2021

Meshes with arbitrary connectivity can be remeshed to have Loop subdivision sequence connectivity via self-parameterization, making SubdivNet a general approach.

Learning Inner-Group Relations on Point Clouds

hancyran/RPNet ICCV 2021

We further verify the expandability of RPNet, in terms of both depth and width, on the tasks of classification and segmentation.

Dynamic Local Geometry Capture in 3D PointCloud Classification

VimsLab/DynamicScale IEEE 4th International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR) 2021

We propose a novel technique of dynamically oriented and scaled ellipsoid based on unique local information to capture the local geometry better.