Calcium imaging of glomeruli in the olfactory bulb of the mouse in response to thirty-five monomolecular odors (Vivek Kumar Agarwal)

Introduced by Agarwal et al. in Data Science In Olfaction

This dataset comprises video files (converted into tif format) that depict glomerular activation in mice. The activation was recorded as the response for 35 monomolecular odors. Wide-field 1-photon calcium imaging was recorded at a framerate of 100 Hz, in Thy1-GCaMP6f mice implanted with cranial windows over the olfactory bulb. Mice were head-fixed during imaging, with monomolecular odors presented in a randomized sequence for 2 seconds apiece during each trial.

This dataset can be used to develop novel Image segmentation techniques and ML based techniques for vision.


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