How Many Machines Can We Use in Parallel Computing for Kernel Ridge Regression?

25 May 2018  ·  Meimei Liu, Zuofeng Shang, Guang Cheng ·

This paper aims to solve a basic problem in distributed statistical inference: how many machines can we use in parallel computing? In kernel ridge regression, we address this question in two important settings: nonparametric estimation and hypothesis testing. Specifically, we find a range for the number of machines under which optimal estimation/testing is achievable. The employed empirical processes method provides a unified framework, that allows us to handle various regression problems (such as thin-plate splines and nonparametric additive regression) under different settings (such as univariate, multivariate and diverging-dimensional designs). It is worth noting that the upper bounds of the number of machines are proven to be un-improvable (upto a logarithmic factor) in two important cases: smoothing spline regression and Gaussian RKHS regression. Our theoretical findings are backed by thorough numerical studies.

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