Two-sample testing

76 papers with code • 5 benchmarks • 1 datasets

In statistical hypothesis testing, a two-sample test is a test performed on the data of two random samples, each independently obtained from a different given population. The purpose of the test is to determine whether the difference between these two populations is statistically significant. The statistics used in two-sample tests can be used to solve many machine learning problems, such as domain adaptation, covariate shift and generative adversarial networks.

Most implemented papers

PacGAN: The power of two samples in generative adversarial networks

fjxmlzn/PacGAN NeurIPS 2018

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are innovative techniques for learning generative models of complex data distributions from samples.

Adversarial Sample Detection for Deep Neural Network through Model Mutation Testing

dgl-prc/m_testing_adversatial_sample 14 Dec 2018

We thus first propose a measure of `sensitivity' and show empirically that normal samples and adversarial samples have distinguishable sensitivity.

Association of genomic subtypes of lower-grade gliomas with shape features automatically extracted by a deep learning algorithm

mateuszbuda/brain-segmentation 9 Jun 2019

Based on automatic deep learning segmentations, we extracted three features which quantify two-dimensional and three-dimensional characteristics of the tumors.

hyppo: A Multivariate Hypothesis Testing Python Package

neurodata/mgcpy 3 Jul 2019

We introduce hyppo, a unified library for performing multivariate hypothesis testing, including independence, two-sample, and k-sample testing.

Generative Moment Matching Networks

yujiali/gmmn 10 Feb 2015

We consider the problem of learning deep generative models from data.

Gaussian Differential Privacy

woodyx218/Deep-Learning-with-GDP-Tensorflow 7 May 2019

More precisely, the privacy guarantees of \emph{any} hypothesis testing based definition of privacy (including original DP) converges to GDP in the limit under composition.

MMD Aggregated Two-Sample Test

antoninschrab/mmdagg NeurIPS 2023

In practice, this parameter is unknown and, hence, the optimal MMD test with this particular kernel cannot be used.

AutoML Two-Sample Test

jmkuebler/auto-tst 17 Jun 2022

Two-sample tests are important in statistics and machine learning, both as tools for scientific discovery as well as to detect distribution shifts.

Online Robust Principal Component Analysis with Change Point Detection

wxiao0421/onlineRPCA 19 Feb 2017

Robust PCA methods are typically batch algorithms which requires loading all observations into memory before processing.

Statistical Anomaly Detection via Composite Hypothesis Testing for Markov Models

hbhzwj/SADIT 27 Feb 2017

Under Markovian assumptions, we leverage a Central Limit Theorem (CLT) for the empirical measure in the test statistic of the composite hypothesis Hoeffding test so as to establish weak convergence results for the test statistic, and, thereby, derive a new estimator for the threshold needed by the test.