Search Results for author: Yeejin Lee

Found 11 papers, 6 papers with code

Improving Weakly-Supervised Object Localization Using Adversarial Erasing and Pseudo Label

no code implementations15 Apr 2024 Byeongkeun Kang, Sinhae Cha, Yeejin Lee

This paper investigates a framework for weakly-supervised object localization, which aims to train a neural network capable of predicting both the object class and its location using only images and their image-level class labels.

Object Pseudo Label +2

Sampling Agnostic Feature Representation for Long-Term Person Re-identification

1 code implementation20 Sep 2022 Seongyeop Yang, Byeongkeun Kang, Yeejin Lee

Although remarkable progress has been made in the re-identification problem, it is still a challenging problem due to appearance variations of the same person as well as other people of similar appearance.

Person Re-Identification

Modeling, Quantifying, and Predicting Subjectivity of Image Aesthetics

no code implementations20 Aug 2022 Hyeongnam Jang, Yeejin Lee, Jong-Seok Lee

We use the probability of being uncertain to define an intuitive metric of subjectivity.

Dense Depth Estimation from Multiple 360-degree Images Using Virtual Depth

1 code implementation30 Dec 2021 Seongyeop Yang, Kunhee Kim, Yeejin Lee

In this paper, we propose a dense depth estimation pipeline for multiview 360{\deg} images.

Depth Estimation Translation

Image-to-Image Translation-based Data Augmentation for Robust EV Charging Inlet Detection

1 code implementation10 Dec 2021 Yeonjun Bang, Yeejin Lee, Byeongkeun Kang

Towards robust EV charging inlet detection, we propose a new dataset (EVCI dataset) and a novel data augmentation method that is based on image-to-image translation where typical image-to-image translation methods synthesize a new image in a different domain given an image.

Data Augmentation Image-to-Image Translation +1

Lossless White Balance For Improved Lossless CFA Image and Video Compression

no code implementations19 Sep 2020 Yeejin Lee, Keigo Hirakawa

We propose to use this white balance as a pre-processing step to lossless CFA subsampled image/video compression, improving the overall coding efficiency of the raw sensor data.

Video Compression

Depth Adaptive Deep Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation

1 code implementation5 Aug 2017 Byeongkeun Kang, Yeejin Lee, Truong Q. Nguyen

To overcome this challenge, we develop a neural network which is able to adapt the receptive field not only for each layer but also for each neuron at the spatial location.

Hand Segmentation Segmentation +1

Efficient Hand Articulations Tracking using Adaptive Hand Model and Depth map

1 code implementation4 Oct 2015 Byeongkeun Kang, Yeejin Lee, Truong Q. Nguyen

In our system, we track hand articulations by minimizing discrepancy between depth map from sensor and computer-generated hand model.

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