Search Results for author: Sridhar Tayur

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Vehicle-to-Vehicle Charging: Model, Complexity, and Heuristics

no code implementations12 Apr 2024 Cláudio Gomes, João Paulo Fernandes, Gabriel Falcao, Soummya Kar, Sridhar Tayur

The rapid adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) poses challenges for electricity grids to accommodate or mitigate peak demand.


Causal Inference With Selectively Deconfounded Data

no code implementations25 Feb 2020 Kyra Gan, Andrew A. Li, Zachary C. Lipton, Sridhar Tayur

In this paper, we consider the benefit of incorporating a large confounded observational dataset (confounder unobserved) alongside a small deconfounded observational dataset (confounder revealed) when estimating the ATE.

Causal Inference

The Topology of Mutated Driver Pathways

no code implementations30 Nov 2019 Raouf Dridi, Hedayat Alghassi, Maen Obeidat, Sridhar Tayur

Much progress has been made, and continues to be made, towards identifying candidate mutated driver pathways in cancer.

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