Search Results for author: Si Luo

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Data Augmentation for Object Detection via Differentiable Neural Rendering

1 code implementation4 Mar 2021 Guanghan Ning, Guang Chen, Chaowei Tan, Si Luo, Liefeng Bo, Heng Huang

We propose a new offline data augmentation method for object detection, which semantically interpolates the training data with novel views.

Data Augmentation Neural Rendering +4

Efficient Pig Counting in Crowds with Keypoints Tracking and Spatial-aware Temporal Response Filtering

no code implementations27 May 2020 Guang Chen, Shiwen Shen, Longyin Wen, Si Luo, Liefeng Bo

Existing methods only focused on pig counting using single image, and its accuracy is challenged by several factors, including pig movements, occlusion and overlapping.


Session-aware Information Embedding for E-commerce Product Recommendation

no code implementations20 Nov 2017 Wu Chen, Yan Ming, Si Luo

Based on the learnt session representation, we further propose a list-wise ranking model to generate the recommendation result for each anonymous user session.

Product Recommendation Recommendation Systems

Ensemble Methods for Personalized E-Commerce Search Challenge at CIKM Cup 2016

no code implementations15 Aug 2017 Wu Chen, Yan Ming, Si Luo

This paper describes our solution to tackle the challenge of personalized e-commerce search at CIKM Cup 2016.

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