Search Results for author: Rittwik Jana

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Deep Learning based Fast and Accurate Beamforming for Millimeter-Wave Systems

no code implementations19 Sep 2023 Tarun S Cousik, Vijay K Shah, Jeffrey H. Reed Harry X Tran, Rittwik Jana

To enable beamforming, array coefficients are typically stored in look-up tables (LUTs) for subsequent referencing.


Streaming from the Air: Enabling Drone-sourced Video Streaming Applications on 5G Open-RAN Architectures

no code implementations21 Jan 2021 Lorenzo Bertizzolo, Tuyen X. Tran, John Buczek, Bharath Balasubramanian, Rittwik Jana, Yu Zhou, Tommaso Melodia

This may result in uplink inter-cell interference and uplink performance degradation for the neighboring ground UEs when drones transmit at high data-rates (e. g., video streaming).

Networking and Internet Architecture Signal Processing

Machine Learning at the Edge: A Data-Driven Architecture with Applications to 5G Cellular Networks

no code implementations23 Aug 2018 Michele Polese, Rittwik Jana, Velin Kounev, Ke Zhang, Supratim Deb, Michele Zorzi

Then, we will describe how the controllers can be used to run ML algorithms to predict the number of users in each base station, and a use case in which these predictions are exploited by a higher-layer application to route vehicular traffic according to network Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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