Search Results for author: Reuben Tan

Found 13 papers, 4 papers with code

Koala: Key frame-conditioned long video-LLM

no code implementations5 Apr 2024 Reuben Tan, Ximeng Sun, Ping Hu, Jui-Hsien Wang, Hanieh Deilamsalehy, Bryan A. Plummer, Bryan Russell, Kate Saenko

Long video question answering is a challenging task that involves recognizing short-term activities and reasoning about their fine-grained relationships.

Action Recognition Question Answering +2

Socratis: Are large multimodal models emotionally aware?

no code implementations31 Aug 2023 Katherine Deng, Arijit Ray, Reuben Tan, Saadia Gabriel, Bryan A. Plummer, Kate Saenko

We further see that current captioning metrics based on large vision-language models also fail to correlate with human preferences.

Multiscale Video Pretraining for Long-Term Activity Forecasting

no code implementations24 Jul 2023 Reuben Tan, Matthias De Lange, Michael Iuzzolino, Bryan A. Plummer, Kate Saenko, Karl Ridgeway, Lorenzo Torresani

To alleviate this issue, we propose Multiscale Video Pretraining (MVP), a novel self-supervised pretraining approach that learns robust representations for forecasting by learning to predict contextualized representations of future video clips over multiple timescales.

Action Anticipation Long Term Action Anticipation

EgoAdapt: A multi-stream evaluation study of adaptation to real-world egocentric user video

1 code implementation11 Jul 2023 Matthias De Lange, Hamid Eghbalzadeh, Reuben Tan, Michael Iuzzolino, Franziska Meier, Karl Ridgeway

We introduce an evaluation framework that directly exploits the user's data stream with new metrics to measure the adaptation gain over the population model, online generalization, and hindsight performance.

Action Recognition Continual Learning

Language-Guided Audio-Visual Source Separation via Trimodal Consistency

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Reuben Tan, Arijit Ray, Andrea Burns, Bryan A. Plummer, Justin Salamon, Oriol Nieto, Bryan Russell, Kate Saenko

We propose a self-supervised approach for learning to perform audio source separation in videos based on natural language queries, using only unlabeled video and audio pairs as training data.

Audio Source Separation Natural Language Queries

NewsStories: Illustrating articles with visual summaries

1 code implementation26 Jul 2022 Reuben Tan, Bryan A. Plummer, Kate Saenko, JP Lewis, Avneesh Sud, Thomas Leung

Thus, we explore a novel setting where the goal is to learn a self-supervised visual-language representation that is robust to varying text length and the number of images.


Look at What I’m Doing: Self-Supervised Spatial Grounding of Narrations in Instructional Videos

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Reuben Tan, Bryan Plummer, Kate Saenko, Hailin Jin, Bryan Russell

Key to our approach is the ability to learn to spatially localize interactions with self-supervision on a large corpus of videos with accompanying transcribed narrations.

Look at What I'm Doing: Self-Supervised Spatial Grounding of Narrations in Instructional Videos

no code implementations20 Oct 2021 Reuben Tan, Bryan A. Plummer, Kate Saenko, Hailin Jin, Bryan Russell

Key to our approach is the ability to learn to spatially localize interactions with self-supervision on a large corpus of videos with accompanying transcribed narrations.

Detecting Cross-Modal Inconsistency to Defend Against Neural Fake News

1 code implementation EMNLP 2020 Reuben Tan, Bryan A. Plummer, Kate Saenko

In addition to the valuable insights gleaned from our user study experiments, we provide a relatively effective approach based on detecting visual-semantic inconsistencies, which will serve as an effective first line of defense and a useful reference for future work in defending against machine-generated disinformation.

LoGAN: Latent Graph Co-Attention Network for Weakly-Supervised Video Moment Retrieval

no code implementations27 Sep 2019 Reuben Tan, Huijuan Xu, Kate Saenko, Bryan A. Plummer

However, while such approaches tend to focus on identifying relationships between elements of the video and language modalities, there is less emphasis on modeling relational context between video frames given the semantic context of the query.

Moment Retrieval Retrieval


no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Reuben Tan, Huijuan Xu, Kate Saenko, Bryan A. Plummer

Given a video and a sentence, the goal of weakly-supervised video moment retrieval is to locate the video segment which is described by the sentence without having access to temporal annotations during training.

Moment Retrieval Retrieval +1

Learning Similarity Conditions Without Explicit Supervision

1 code implementation ICCV 2019 Reuben Tan, Mariya I. Vasileva, Kate Saenko, Bryan A. Plummer

Many real-world tasks require models to compare images along multiple similarity conditions (e. g. similarity in color, category or shape).

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