Search Results for author: Man-Ling Sung

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Unsupervised Spoken Term Discovery Based on Re-clustering of Hypothesized Speech Segments with Siamese and Triplet Networks

no code implementations28 Nov 2020 Man-Ling Sung, Tan Lee

The Siamese/Triplet network is trained on the hypothesized examples to measure the similarity between two speech segments and hereby perform re-clustering of all hypothesized subword sequences to achieve spoken term discovery.


Unsupervised Pattern Discovery from Thematic Speech Archives Based on Multilingual Bottleneck Features

no code implementations3 Nov 2020 Man-Ling Sung, Siyuan Feng, Tan Lee

With the unsupervisedly trained acoustic models, a given audio archive is represented by a pseudo transcription, from which spoken keywords can be discovered by string mining algorithms.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

Towards a New Understanding of the Training of Neural Networks with Mislabeled Training Data

no code implementations18 Sep 2019 Herbert Gish, Jan Silovsky, Man-Ling Sung, Man-Hung Siu, William Hartmann, Zhuolin Jiang

This includes results about the ability of the noisy model to make the same decisions as the clean model and the effects of noise on model performance.

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