Search Results for author: Jonathan Romero

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

Adaptive pruning-based optimization of parameterized quantum circuits

no code implementations1 Oct 2020 Sukin Sim, Jonathan Romero, Jerome F. Gonthier, Alexander A. Kunitsa

We demonstrate PECT for the Variational Quantum Eigensolver, in which we benchmark unitary coupled-cluster ansatze including UCCSD and k-UpCCGSD, as well as the low-depth circuit ansatz (LDCA), to estimate ground state energies of molecular systems.

Quantum Physics

Variational quantum generators: Generative adversarial quantum machine learning for continuous distributions

no code implementations3 Jan 2019 Jonathan Romero, Alan Aspuru-Guzik

We show that our quantum generator is able to learn target probability distributions using either a classical neural network or a variational quantum circuit as the discriminator.

Quantum Physics

Quantum Chemistry in the Age of Quantum Computing

9 code implementations24 Dec 2018 Yudong Cao, Jonathan Romero, Jonathan P. Olson, Matthias Degroote, Peter D. Johnson, Mária Kieferová, Ian D. Kivlichan, Tim Menke, Borja Peropadre, Nicolas P. D. Sawaya, Sukin Sim, Libor Veis, Alán Aspuru-Guzik

Practical challenges in simulating quantum systems on classical computers have been widely recognized in the quantum physics and quantum chemistry communities over the past century.

Quantum Physics

A framework for algorithm deployment on cloud-based quantum computers

2 code implementations24 Oct 2018 Sukin Sim, Yudong Cao, Jonathan Romero, Peter D. Johnson, Alan Aspuru-Guzik

In recent years, the field of quantum computing has significantly developed in both the improvement of hardware as well as the assembly of various software tools and platforms, including cloud access to quantum devices.

Quantum Physics

QVECTOR: an algorithm for device-tailored quantum error correction

1 code implementation7 Nov 2017 Peter D. Johnson, Jonathan Romero, Jonathan Olson, Yudong Cao, Alán Aspuru-Guzik

Current approaches to fault-tolerant quantum computation will not enable useful quantum computation on near-term devices of 50 to 100 qubits.

Quantum Physics

Quantum autoencoders for efficient compression of quantum data

4 code implementations8 Dec 2016 Jonathan Romero, Jonathan P. Olson, Alan Aspuru-Guzik

The quantum autoencoder is trained to compress a particular dataset of quantum states, where a classical compression algorithm cannot be employed.

Quantum Physics

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