Search Results for author: Jingye Yang

Found 5 papers, 3 papers with code

Assessing the Utility of Large Language Models for Phenotype-Driven Gene Prioritization in Rare Genetic Disorder Diagnosis

no code implementations21 Mar 2024 Junyoung Kim, Jingye Yang, Kai Wang, Chunhua Weng, Cong Liu

A similar increasing trend was observed for the task completion rate, with complicated prompts more likely to increase task completeness in models smaller than GPT-4.

Knowledge Graphs

GestaltMML: Enhancing Rare Genetic Disease Diagnosis through Multimodal Machine Learning Combining Facial Images and Clinical Texts

2 code implementations23 Dec 2023 Da Wu, Jingye Yang, Cong Liu, Tzung-Chien Hsieh, Elaine Marchi, Justin Blair, Peter Krawitz, Chunhua Weng, Wendy Chung, Gholson J. Lyon, Ian D. Krantz, Jennifer M. Kalish, Kai Wang

Many rare genetic diseases have distinctive facial features, which can be used by artificial intelligence algorithms to facilitate clinical diagnosis, in prioritizing candidate diseases to be further examined by lab tests or genetic assays, or in helping the phenotype-driven reinterpretation of genome/exome sequencing data.

Not All Large Language Models (LLMs) Succumb to the "Reversal Curse": A Comparative Study of Deductive Logical Reasoning in BERT and GPT Models

no code implementations6 Dec 2023 Jingye Yang, Da Wu, Kai Wang

The "Reversal Curse" refers to the scenario where auto-regressive decoder large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, trained on "A is B" fail to learn "B is A", demonstrating a basic failure of logical deduction.

Decoder Knowledge Graphs +1

Enhancing Phenotype Recognition in Clinical Notes Using Large Language Models: PhenoBCBERT and PhenoGPT

1 code implementation11 Aug 2023 Jingye Yang, Cong Liu, Wendy Deng, Da Wu, Chunhua Weng, Yunyun Zhou, Kai Wang

We hypothesize that large language models (LLMs) based on the transformer architecture can enable automated detection of clinical phenotype terms, including terms not documented in the HPO.


Classification of integers based on residue classes via modern deep learning algorithms

1 code implementation3 Apr 2023 Da Wu, Jingye Yang, Mian Umair Ahsan, Kai Wang

Judging whether an integer can be divided by prime numbers such as 2 or 3 may appear trivial to human beings, but can be less straightforward for computers.

AutoML Feature Engineering

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