Search Results for author: Jim Portegies

Found 7 papers, 3 papers with code

Feedforward Control in the Presence of Input Nonlinearities: A Learning-based Approach

no code implementations23 Sep 2022 Jilles van Hulst, Maurice Poot, Dragan Kostić, Kai Wa Yan, Jim Portegies, Tom Oomen

Advanced feedforward control methods enable mechatronic systems to perform varying motion tasks with extreme accuracy and throughput.

Is Vanilla Policy Gradient Overlooked? Analyzing Deep Reinforcement Learning for Hanabi

1 code implementation22 Mar 2022 Bram Grooten, Jelle Wemmenhove, Maurice Poot, Jim Portegies

In pursuit of enhanced multi-agent collaboration, we analyze several on-policy deep reinforcement learning algorithms in the recently published Hanabi benchmark.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Position-Dependent Snap Feedforward: A Gaussian Process Framework

no code implementations1 Feb 2022 Max van Haren, Maurice Poot, Jim Portegies, Tom Oomen

Position-dependent compliance is compensated for by using a Gaussian process to model the snap feedforward parameter as a continuous function of position.


Gaussian Process Position-Dependent Feedforward: With Application to a Wire Bonder

no code implementations19 Jan 2022 Max van Haren, Maurice Poot, Dragan Kostić, Robin van Es, Jim Portegies, Tom Oomen

Mechatronic systems have increasingly stringent performance requirements for motion control, leading to a situation where many factors, such as position-dependency, cannot be neglected in feedforward control.

Gaussian Processes Position

PDE-based Group Equivariant Convolutional Neural Networks

1 code implementation24 Jan 2020 Bart Smets, Jim Portegies, Erik Bekkers, Remco Duits

We solve the PDE of interest by a combination of linear group convolutions and non-linear morphological group convolutions with analytic kernel approximations that we underpin with formal theorems.

Data Augmentation Translation

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