Search Results for author: Jian Du

Found 15 papers, 2 papers with code

AnonPSI: An Anonymity Assessment Framework for PSI

no code implementations29 Nov 2023 Bo Jiang, Jian Du, Qiang Yan

We conducted a comprehensive performance evaluation of various attack strategies proposed utilizing two real datasets.

An automated approach to extracting positive and negative clinical research results

no code implementations7 Dec 2022 Xuanyu Shi, Shiyao Xie, Wenjia Wang, Ting Chen, Jian Du

Failure is common in clinical trials since the successful failures presented in negative results always indicate the ways that should not be taken.


DP-FP: Differentially Private Forward Propagation for Large Models

no code implementations29 Dec 2021 Jian Du, Haitao Mi

Our DP-FP employs novel (1) representation clipping followed by noise addition in the forward propagation stage, as well as (2) micro-batch construction via subsampling to achieve DP amplification and reduce noise power to $1/M$, where $M$ is the number of micro-batch in a step.

Privacy Preserving Privacy Preserving Deep Learning

Extracting and Measuring Uncertain Biomedical Knowledge from Scientific Statements

no code implementations5 Dec 2021 Xin Guo, Yuming Chen, Jian Du, Erdan Dong

Design/methodology/approach: Taking cardiovascular research publications in China as a sample, we extracted the SPO triples as knowledge unit and the hedging/conflicting uncertainties as the knowledge context.

A comment-driven evidence appraisal approach for decision-making when only uncertain evidence available

no code implementations5 Dec 2021 Shuang Wang, Jian Du

Conclusions: Comment-derived evidence assertions have the potential as an evidence appraisal tool for heuristic decisions based on the accuracy, sensitivity, and efficiency of evidence-comment networks.

Decision Making

Dynamic Differential-Privacy Preserving SGD

no code implementations30 Oct 2021 Jian Du, Song Li, Xiangyi Chen, Siheng Chen, Mingyi Hong

The equivalent privacy costs controlled by maintaining the same gradient clipping thresholds and noise powers in each step result in unstable updates and a lower model accuracy when compared to the non-DP counterpart.

Federated Learning Image Classification +1

FedMM: Saddle Point Optimization for Federated Adversarial Domain Adaptation

1 code implementation16 Oct 2021 Yan Shen, Jian Du, Han Zhao, Benyu Zhang, Zhanghexuan Ji, Mingchen Gao

Federated adversary domain adaptation is a unique distributed minimax training task due to the prevalence of label imbalance among clients, with each client only seeing a subset of the classes of labels required to train a global model.

Domain Adaptation

A Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics Algorithm For Noise Intrinsic Federated Learning

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Yan Shen, Jian Du, Chunwei Ma, Mingchen Gao, Benyu Zhang

Our introduced SGLD oracle would lower generalization errors in local node's parameter learning and provide local node DP protections.

Federated Learning

Towards Medical Knowmetrics: Representing and Computing Medical Knowledge using Semantic Predications as the Knowledge Unit and the Uncertainty as the Knowledge Context

no code implementations25 Oct 2020 Xiaoying Li, Suyuan Peng, Jian Du

This article aims to put forward a framework for Medical Knowmetrics using the SPO triples as the knowledge unit and the uncertainty as the knowledge context.

Variational Optimization for the Submodular Maximum Coverage Problem

no code implementations10 Jun 2020 Jian Du, Zhigang Hua, Shuang Yang

We examine the \emph{submodular maximum coverage problem} (SMCP), which is related to a wide range of applications.

Topology Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks

2 code implementations ICLR 2018 Jian Du, Shanghang Zhang, Guanhang Wu, Jose M. F. Moura, Soummya Kar

Spectral graph convolutional neural networks (CNNs) require approximation to the convolution to alleviate the computational complexity, resulting in performance loss.

Convergence analysis of belief propagation for pairwise linear Gaussian models

no code implementations12 Jun 2017 Jian Du, Shaodan Ma, Yik-Chung Wu, Soummya Kar, José M. F. Moura

Gaussian belief propagation (BP) has been widely used for distributed inference in large-scale networks such as the smart grid, sensor networks, and social networks, where local measurements/observations are scattered over a wide geographical area.

Convergence analysis of the information matrix in Gaussian belief propagation

no code implementations13 Apr 2017 Jian Du, Shaodan Ma, Yik-Chung Wu, Soummya Kar, José M. F. Moura

Gaussian belief propagation (BP) has been widely used for distributed estimation in large-scale networks such as the smart grid, communication networks, and social networks, where local measurements/observations are scattered over a wide geographical area.

Convergence Analysis of Distributed Inference with Vector-Valued Gaussian Belief Propagation

no code implementations7 Nov 2016 Jian Du, Shaodan Ma, Yik-Chung Wu, Soummya Kar, José M. F. Moura

A necessary and sufficient convergence condition for the belief mean vector to converge to the optimal centralized estimator is provided under the assumption that the message information matrix is initialized as a positive semidefinite matrix.

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