Search Results for author: Jessica Dai

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Mapping Social Choice Theory to RLHF

no code implementations19 Apr 2024 Jessica Dai, Eve Fleisig

We analyze the problem settings of social choice and RLHF, identify key differences between them, and discuss how these differences may affect the RLHF interpretation of well-known technical results in social choice.


Can Probabilistic Feedback Drive User Impacts in Online Platforms?

no code implementations10 Jan 2024 Jessica Dai, Bailey Flanigan, Nika Haghtalab, Meena Jagadeesan, Chara Podimata

A common explanation for negative user impacts of content recommender systems is misalignment between the platform's objective and user welfare.

Recommendation Systems

Fairness via Explanation Quality: Evaluating Disparities in the Quality of Post hoc Explanations

no code implementations15 May 2022 Jessica Dai, Sohini Upadhyay, Ulrich Aivodji, Stephen H. Bach, Himabindu Lakkaraju

We then leverage these properties to propose a novel evaluation framework which can quantitatively measure disparities in the quality of explanations output by state-of-the-art methods.

Decision Making Fairness

Repairing Regressors for Fair Binary Classification at Any Decision Threshold

no code implementations14 Mar 2022 Kweku Kwegyir-Aggrey, A. Feder Cooper, Jessica Dai, John Dickerson, Keegan Hines, Suresh Venkatasubramanian

We study the problem of post-processing a supervised machine-learned regressor to maximize fair binary classification at all decision thresholds.

Binary Classification Classification +1

What will it take to generate fairness-preserving explanations?

no code implementations24 Jun 2021 Jessica Dai, Sohini Upadhyay, Stephen H. Bach, Himabindu Lakkaraju

In situations where explanations of black-box models may be useful, the fairness of the black-box is also often a relevant concern.


Fair Machine Learning Under Partial Compliance

no code implementations7 Nov 2020 Jessica Dai, Sina Fazelpour, Zachary C. Lipton

If k% of employers were to voluntarily adopt a fairness-promoting intervention, should we expect k% progress (in aggregate) towards the benefits of universal adoption, or will the dynamics of partial compliance wash out the hoped-for benefits?

BIG-bench Machine Learning Fairness

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