Search Results for author: Fotis Psallidas

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Vamsa: Automated Provenance Tracking in Data Science Scripts

no code implementations7 Jan 2020 Mohammad Hossein Namaki, Avrilia Floratou, Fotis Psallidas, Subru Krishnan, Ashvin Agrawal, Yinghui Wu, Yiwen Zhu, Markus Weimer

There has recently been a lot of ongoing research in the areas of fairness, bias and explainability of machine learning (ML) models due to the self-evident or regulatory requirements of various ML applications.

Fairness Recommendation Systems

Data Science through the looking glass and what we found there

no code implementations19 Dec 2019 Fotis Psallidas, Yiwen Zhu, Bojan Karlas, Matteo Interlandi, Avrilia Floratou, Konstantinos Karanasos, Wentao Wu, Ce Zhang, Subru Krishnan, Carlo Curino, Markus Weimer

The recent success of machine learning (ML) has led to an explosive growth both in terms of new systems and algorithms built in industry and academia, and new applications built by an ever-growing community of data science (DS) practitioners.

Extending Relational Query Processing with ML Inference

no code implementations1 Nov 2019 Konstantinos Karanasos, Matteo Interlandi, Doris Xin, Fotis Psallidas, Rathijit Sen, Kwanghyun Park, Ivan Popivanov, Supun Nakandal, Subru Krishnan, Markus Weimer, Yuan Yu, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Carlo Curino

The broadening adoption of machine learning in the enterprise is increasing the pressure for strict governance and cost-effective performance, in particular for the common and consequential steps of model storage and inference.

Smoke: Fine-grained Lineage at Interactive Speed

no code implementations22 Jan 2018 Fotis Psallidas, Eugene Wu

Our experiments on real-world applications highlight that Smoke can meet the latency requirements of interactive visualizations (e. g., <150ms) and outperform hand-written implementations of data profiling primitives.


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