Zero-Shot Multi-Speaker TTS

2 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

YourTTS: Towards Zero-Shot Multi-Speaker TTS and Zero-Shot Voice Conversion for everyone

coqui-ai/TTS 4 Dec 2021

YourTTS brings the power of a multilingual approach to the task of zero-shot multi-speaker TTS.

Stochastic Pitch Prediction Improves the Diversity and Naturalness of Speech in Glow-TTS

ogunlao/glowtts_stdp 28 May 2023

Flow-based generative models are widely used in text-to-speech (TTS) systems to learn the distribution of audio features (e. g., Mel-spectrograms) given the input tokens and to sample from this distribution to generate diverse utterances.