Vietnamese Social Media Text Processing

8 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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A Large-scale Dataset for Hate Speech Detection on Vietnamese Social Media Texts

sonlam1102/vihsd-vietnamese-hate-speech-detection-dataset 22 Mar 2021

On social medias, hate speech has become a critical problem for social network users.

Hate Speech Detection on Vietnamese Social Media Text using the Bidirectional-LSTM Model

huynhduchuydp36/VLSP2019-SHARED-Task-Hate-Speech-Detection-on-Social-Networks-Using-Bi-Lstm 9 Nov 2019

In this paper, we describe our system which participates in the shared task of Hate Speech Detection on Social Networks of VLSP 2019 evaluation campaign.

Hate Speech Detection on Vietnamese Social Media Text using the Bi-GRU-LSTM-CNN Model

Nadhila/Explainble-AI 9 Nov 2019

In recent years, Hate Speech Detection has become one of the interesting fields in natural language processing or computational linguistics.

Empirical Study of Text Augmentation on Social Media Text in Vietnamese

sonlam1102/text_augmentation_vietnamese 25 Sep 2020

Thus, when collecting the data about user comments on the social network, the data is usually skewed about one label, which leads the dataset to become imbalanced and deteriorate the model's ability.

Vietnamese Hate and Offensive Detection using PhoBERT-CNN and Social Media Streaming Data

khanhtran0412/visomecens 1 Jun 2022

Secondly, a novel hate speech detection (HSD) model, which is the combination of a pre-trained PhoBERT model and a Text-CNN model, was proposed for solving tasks in Vietnamese.

ViCGCN: Graph Convolutional Network with Contextualized Language Models for Social Media Mining in Vietnamese

phanchauthang/ViCGCN 6 Sep 2023

Our proposed ViCGCN approach demonstrates a significant improvement of up to 6. 21%, 4. 61%, and 2. 63% over the best Contextualized Language Models, including multilingual and monolingual, on three benchmark datasets, UIT-VSMEC, UIT-ViCTSD, and UIT-VSFC, respectively.

ViSoBERT: A Pre-Trained Language Model for Vietnamese Social Media Text Processing

uitnlp/visobert 17 Oct 2023

English and Chinese, known as resource-rich languages, have witnessed the strong development of transformer-based language models for natural language processing tasks.

ViLexNorm: A Lexical Normalization Corpus for Vietnamese Social Media Text

ngxtnhi/vilexnorm 29 Jan 2024

In this work, we introduce Vietnamese Lexical Normalization (ViLexNorm), the first-ever corpus developed for the Vietnamese lexical normalization task.