Video Segmentation

105 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 9 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Efficient Hierarchical Graph-Based Segmentation of RGBD Videos

StevenHickson/4D_Segmentation CVPR 2014

We present an efficient and scalable algorithm for segmenting 3D RGBD point clouds by combining depth, color, and temporal information using a multistage, hierarchical graph-based approach.

Actor and Action Video Segmentation from a Sentence

JerryX1110/awesome-rvos CVPR 2018

This paper strives for pixel-level segmentation of actors and their actions in video content.

Few-Shot Segmentation Propagation with Guided Networks

shelhamer/revolver 25 May 2018

Learning-based methods for visual segmentation have made progress on particular types of segmentation tasks, but are limited by the necessary supervision, the narrow definitions of fixed tasks, and the lack of control during inference for correcting errors.

Accel: A Corrective Fusion Network for Efficient Semantic Segmentation on Video

SamvitJ/Accel CVPR 2019

We present Accel, a novel semantic video segmentation system that achieves high accuracy at low inference cost by combining the predictions of two network branches: (1) a reference branch that extracts high-detail features on a reference keyframe, and warps these features forward using frame-to-frame optical flow estimates, and (2) an update branch that computes features of adjustable quality on the current frame, performing a temporal update at each video frame.

Adaptive Temporal Encoding Network for Video Instance-level Human Parsing

HCPLab-SYSU/ATEN 2 Aug 2018

Beyond the existing single-person and multiple-person human parsing tasks in static images, this paper makes the first attempt to investigate a more realistic video instance-level human parsing that simultaneously segments out each person instance and parses each instance into more fine-grained parts (e. g., head, leg, dress).

Meta Learning Deep Visual Words for Fast Video Object Segmentation

harkiratbehl/MetaVOS 4 Dec 2018

We address this problem by considering the task of video object segmentation.

Spatiotemporal CNN for Video Object Segmentation

longyin880815/STCNN CVPR 2019

Specifically, the temporal coherence branch pretrained in an adversarial fashion from unlabeled video data, is designed to capture the dynamic appearance and motion cues of video sequences to guide object segmentation.

Self-supervised Learning for Video Correspondence Flow

zlai0/CorrFlow 2 May 2019

Fourth, in order to shed light on the potential of self-supervised learning on the task of video correspondence flow, we probe the upper bound by training on additional data, \ie more diverse videos, further demonstrating significant improvements on video segmentation.

Semantic Segmentation of Video Sequences with Convolutional LSTMs

Andreas-Pfeuffer/LSTM-ICNet 3 May 2019

The disadvantage of this is that temporal image information is not considered, which improves the performance of the segmentation approach.

Learning Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation Through Visual Attention

wenguanwang/AGS CVPR 2019

This paper conducts a systematic study on the role of visual attention in Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation (UVOS) tasks.