Video Compressive Sensing

8 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

CSVideoNet: A Real-time End-to-end Learning Framework for High-frame-rate Video Compressive Sensing

PSCLab-ASU/CSVideoNet 15 Dec 2016

This paper addresses the real-time encoding-decoding problem for high-frame-rate video compressive sensing (CS).

MetaSCI: Scalable and Adaptive Reconstruction for Video Compressive Sensing

xyvirtualgroup/MetaSCI-CVPR2021 CVPR 2021

To capture high-speed videos using a two-dimensional detector, video snapshot compressive imaging (SCI) is a promising system, where the video frames are coded by different masks and then compressed to a snapshot measurement.

Memory-Efficient Network for Large-scale Video Compressive Sensing

BoChenGroup/RevSCI-net CVPR 2021

With the knowledge of masks, optimization algorithms or deep learning methods are employed to reconstruct the desired high-speed video frames from this snapshot measurement.

LiSens --- A Scalable Architecture for Video Compressive Sensing

JianWang-CMU/ 14 Mar 2015

The measurement rate of cameras that take spatially multiplexed measurements by using spatial light modulators (SLM) is often limited by the switching speed of the SLMs.

Deep Fully-Connected Networks for Video Compressive Sensing

miliadis/DeepVideoCS 16 Mar 2016

In this work we present a deep learning framework for video compressive sensing.

DeepBinaryMask: Learning a Binary Mask for Video Compressive Sensing

miliadis/DeepVideoCS 12 Jul 2016

In this paper, we propose a novel encoder-decoder neural network model referred to as DeepBinaryMask for video compressive sensing.

A Simple and Efficient Reconstruction Backbone for Snapshot Compressive Imaging

Jiamian-Wang/HSI_baseline 17 Aug 2021

The emerging technology of snapshot compressive imaging (SCI) enables capturing high dimensional (HD) data in an efficient way.

Two-Stage is Enough: A Concise Deep Unfolding Reconstruction Network for Flexible Video Compressive Sensing

ucaswangls/stformer 15 Jan 2022

We consider the reconstruction problem of video compressive sensing (VCS) under the deep unfolding/rolling structure.