Vehicle Re-Identification

53 papers with code • 12 benchmarks • 9 datasets

Vehicle re-identification is the task of identifying the same vehicle across multiple cameras.

( Image credit: A Two-Stream Siamese Neural Network for Vehicle Re-Identification by Using Non-Overlapping Cameras )


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Most implemented papers

Recall@k Surrogate Loss with Large Batches and Similarity Mixup

yash0307/RecallatK_surrogate CVPR 2022

This work focuses on learning deep visual representation models for retrieval by exploring the interplay between a new loss function, the batch size, and a new regularization approach.

PP-ShiTu: A Practical Lightweight Image Recognition System

PaddlePaddle/PaddleClas 1 Nov 2021

In recent years, image recognition applications have developed rapidly.

A Two-Stream Siamese Neural Network for Vehicle Re-Identification by Using Non-Overlapping Cameras

icarofua/siamese-two-stream 4 Feb 2019

We describe in this paper a Two-Stream Siamese Neural Network for vehicle re-identification.

Variational Representation Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification

saghiralfasly/VFL-Vehicle-Re-Id 7 May 2019

One of the most challenging problems is to learn an efficient representation for a vehicle from its multi-viewpoint images.

A Dual-Path Model With Adaptive Attention For Vehicle Re-Identification

Pirazh/Vehicle_Key_Point_Orientation_Estimation ICCV 2019

In this paper, we present a novel dual-path adaptive attention model for vehicle re-identification (AAVER).

Part-Guided Attention Learning for Vehicle Instance Retrieval

zhangxinyu-xyz/PGAN-VehicleRe-ID 13 Sep 2019

Finally, we aggregate the global appearance and part features to improve the feature performance further.

Deep Meta Metric Learning


In this paper, we present a deep meta metric learning (DMML) approach for visual recognition.

Vehicle-Rear: A New Dataset to Explore Feature Fusion for Vehicle Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks

icarofua/vehicle-rear 13 Nov 2019

To explore our dataset we design a two-stream CNN that simultaneously uses two of the most distinctive and persistent features available: the vehicle's appearance and its license plate.

Parsing-based View-aware Embedding Network for Vehicle Re-Identification

silverbulletmdc/PVEN CVPR 2020

Vehicle Re-Identification is to find images of the same vehicle from various views in the cross-camera scenario.