Unsupervised Image Classification

28 papers with code • 7 benchmarks • 6 datasets

Models that learn to label each image (i.e. cluster the dataset into its ground truth classes) without seeing the ground truth labels.

Image credit: ImageNet clustering results of SCAN: Learning to Classify Images without Labels (ECCV 2020)


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Latest papers with no code

Contrastive Knowledge Amalgamation for Unsupervised Image Classification

no code yet • 27 Jul 2023

Current methods focus on coarsely aligning teachers and students in the common representation space, making it difficult for the student to learn the proper decision boundaries from a set of heterogeneous teachers.

ContraCluster: Learning to Classify without Labels by Contrastive Self-Supervision and Prototype-Based Semi-Supervision

no code yet • 19 Apr 2023

The recent advances in representation learning inspire us to take on the challenging problem of unsupervised image classification tasks in a principled way.

Minimalistic Unsupervised Learning with the Sparse Manifold Transform

no code yet • 30 Sep 2022

Though there remains a small performance gap between our simple constructive model and SOTA methods, the evidence points to this as a promising direction for achieving a principled and white-box approach to unsupervised learning.

LatentGAN Autoencoder: Learning Disentangled Latent Distribution

no code yet • 5 Apr 2022

In autoencoder, the encoder generally approximates the latent distribution over the dataset, and the decoder generates samples using this learned latent distribution.

Revisiting the Transferability of Supervised Pretraining: an MLP Perspective

no code yet • CVPR 2022

The pretrain-finetune paradigm is a classical pipeline in visual learning.


no code yet • 29 Sep 2021

After the steady-state is obtained for the underlying Markov chain, it is possible to compute the posterior probability of the presence of the rare event in a given image.

Combining pretrained CNN feature extractors to enhance clustering of complex natural images

no code yet • 7 Jan 2021

First, extensive experiments are conducted and show that, for a given dataset, the choice of the CNN architecture for feature extraction has a huge impact on the final clustering.

AC-VAE: Learning Semantic Representation with VAE for Adaptive Clustering

no code yet • 1 Jan 2021

Experimental evaluations show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art representation learning methods in terms of neighbor clustering accuracy.

A Pseudo-labelling Auto-Encoder for unsupervised image classification

no code yet • 6 Dec 2020

In this paper, we introduce a unique variant of the denoising Auto-Encoder and combine it with the perceptual loss to classify images in an unsupervised manner.

Unsupervised part representation by Flow Capsules

no code yet • 27 Nov 2020

Capsule networks aim to parse images into a hierarchy of objects, parts and relations.