Unsupervised Extractive Summarization

18 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 4 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Unsupervised Extractive Summarization-Based Representations for Accurate and Explainable Collaborative Filtering

reinaldncku/escofilt ACL 2021

Our explainability study demonstrates the superiority of and preference for summary-level explanations over other explanation types.

TWEETSUMM -- A Dialog Summarization Dataset for Customer Service

nlpyang/PreSumm 23 Nov 2021

In most cases, at the end of the conversation, agents are asked to write a short summary emphasizing the problem and the proposed solution, usually for the benefit of other agents that may have to deal with the same customer or issue.

On the Trade-off between Redundancy and Local Coherence in Summarization

ronaldahmed/redundancy-kvd 20 May 2022

Extractive summaries are usually presented as lists of sentences with no expected cohesion between them and with plenty of redundant information if not accounted for.

Computing and Exploiting Document Structure to Improve Unsupervised Extractive Summarization of Legal Case Decisions

cs329yangzhong/documentstructurelegalsum 6 Nov 2022

Though many algorithms can be used to automatically summarize legal case decisions, most fail to incorporate domain knowledge about how important sentences in a legal decision relate to a representation of its document structure.

Improving Sentence Similarity Estimation for Unsupervised Extractive Summarization

shichaosun/ss4sum 24 Feb 2023

Unsupervised extractive summarization aims to extract salient sentences from a document as the summary without labeled data.

XWikiGen: Cross-lingual Summarization for Encyclopedic Text Generation in Low Resource Languages

DhavalTaunk08/XWikiGen 22 Mar 2023

But, for low-resource languages, the scarcity of reference articles makes monolingual summarization ineffective in solving this problem.

Unsupervised Extractive Summarization of Emotion Triggers

tsosea2/covidet-ext 2 Jun 2023

Second, we develop new unsupervised learning models that can jointly detect emotions and summarize their triggers.

Bipartite Graph Pre-training for Unsupervised Extractive Summarization with Graph Convolutional Auto-Encoders

opensum/bigae 29 Oct 2023

Pre-trained sentence representations are crucial for identifying significant sentences in unsupervised document extractive summarization.