Type prediction

42 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Latest papers with no code

Activation Steering for Robust Type Prediction in CodeLLMs

no code yet • 2 Apr 2024

We apply our approach to the task of type prediction for the gradually typed languages Python and TypeScript.

Learning Granger Causality from Instance-wise Self-attentive Hawkes Processes

no code yet • 6 Feb 2024

In particular, we are interested in discovering instance-level causal structures in an unsupervised manner.

HoloAssist: an Egocentric Human Interaction Dataset for Interactive AI Assistants in the Real World

no code yet • ICCV 2023

Building an interactive AI assistant that can perceive, reason, and collaborate with humans in the real world has been a long-standing pursuit in the AI community.

AsyncET: Asynchronous Learning for Knowledge Graph Entity Typing with Auxiliary Relations

no code yet • 30 Aug 2023

Previously, KG embedding (KGE) methods tried to solve the KGET task by introducing an auxiliary relation, 'hasType', to model the relationship between entities and their types.

Graph Encoding and Neural Network Approaches for Volleyball Analytics: From Game Outcome to Individual Play Predictions

no code yet • 22 Aug 2023

Our results show that the use of GNNs with our graph encoding yields a much more advanced analysis of the data, which noticeably improves prediction results overall.

Towards Semantically Enriched Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion

no code yet • 31 Jul 2023

Most of the current algorithms consider a KG as a multidirectional labeled graph and lack the ability to capture the semantics underlying the schematic information.

Extreme Classification for Answer Type Prediction in Question Answering

no code yet • 24 Apr 2023

In this paper, we propose use of extreme multi-label classification using Transformer models (XBERT) by clustering KG types using structural and semantic features based on question text.

VREN: Volleyball Rally Dataset with Expression Notation Language

no code yet • 28 Sep 2022

The second goal is to introduce a volleyball descriptive language to fully describe the rally processes in the games and apply the language to our dataset.

Studying the explanations for the automated prediction of bug and non-bug issues using LIME and SHAP

no code yet • 15 Sep 2022

Objective: We want to understand if machine learning models provide explanations for the classification that are reasonable to us as humans and align with our assumptions of what the models should learn.

Entity Type Prediction Leveraging Graph Walks and Entity Descriptions

no code yet • 28 Jul 2022

Entity typing is the task of assigning or inferring the semantic type of an entity in a KG.