Time Series Prediction

111 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 11 datasets

The goal of Time Series Prediction is to infer the future values of a time series from the past.

Source: Orthogonal Echo State Networks and stochastic evaluations of likelihoods


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Most implemented papers

Clinical Risk Prediction with Temporal Probabilistic Asymmetric Multi-Task Learning

anhtuan5696/TPAMTL 23 Jun 2020

Existing asymmetric multi-task learning methods tackle this negative transfer problem by performing knowledge transfer from tasks with low loss to tasks with high loss.

Spatiotemporal Attention for Multivariate Time Series Prediction and Interpretation

Abirate/Time-Series-Forecasting 11 Aug 2020

Accurate interpretation of such prediction outcomes from a machine learning model that explicitly captures temporal correlations can significantly benefit the domain experts.

PyRCN: A Toolbox for Exploration and Application of Reservoir Computing Networks

TUD-STKS/PyRCN 8 Mar 2021

In this paper, we show how to uniformly describe RCNs with small and clearly defined building blocks, and we introduce the Python toolbox PyRCN (Python Reservoir Computing Networks) for optimizing, training and analyzing RCNs on arbitrarily large datasets.

An Extensive Data Processing Pipeline for MIMIC-IV

healthylaife/mimic-iv-data-pipeline 29 Apr 2022

An increasing amount of research is being devoted to applying machine learning methods to electronic health record (EHR) data for various clinical purposes.

TSFEDL: A Python Library for Time Series Spatio-Temporal Feature Extraction and Prediction using Deep Learning (with Appendices on Detailed Network Architectures and Experimental Cases of Study)

ari-dasci/s-tsfe-dl 7 Jun 2022

The combination of convolutional and recurrent neural networks is a promising framework that allows the extraction of high-quality spatio-temporal features together with its temporal dependencies, which is key for time series prediction problems such as forecasting, classification or anomaly detection, amongst others.

Temporal and Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Financial Time Series Prediction

finint/THGNN 9 May 2023

The price movement prediction of stock market has been a classical yet challenging problem, with the attention of both economists and computer scientists.

Dynamic process fault prediction using canonical variable trend analysis

KeepFloyding/knowledge-repository DV 2016

This paper is concerned with the fault prediction of dynamic industrial process with incipient faults and proposes a canonical variable trend analysis (CVTA) based fault prediction method.

Co-evolutionary multi-task learning for dynamic time series prediction

rohitash-chandra/CMTL_dynamictimeseries 27 Feb 2017

In this paper, we propose a co-evolutionary multi-task learning method that provides a synergy between multi-task learning and co-evolutionary algorithms to address dynamic time series prediction.

Sparse Multi-Output Gaussian Processes for Medical Time Series Prediction

bee-hive/MedGP 27 Mar 2017

In the scenario of real-time monitoring of hospital patients, high-quality inference of patients' health status using all information available from clinical covariates and lab tests is essential to enable successful medical interventions and improve patient outcomes.

Time Series Prediction for Graphs in Kernel and Dissimilarity Spaces

bpaassen/graph-edit-networks 21 Apr 2017

We propose to phrase time series prediction as a regression problem and apply dissimilarity- or kernel-based regression techniques, such as 1-nearest neighbor, kernel regression and Gaussian process regression, which can be applied to graphs via graph kernels.