Time Series Clustering

30 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 3 datasets

Time Series Clustering is an unsupervised data mining technique for organizing data points into groups based on their similarity. The objective is to maximize data similarity within clusters and minimize it across clusters. Time-series clustering is often used as a subroutine of other more complex algorithms and is employed as a standard tool in data science for anomaly detection, character recognition, pattern discovery, visualization of time series.

Source: Comprehensive Process Drift Detection with Visual Analytics


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3 papers

ShapeDBA: Generating Effective Time Series Prototypes using ShapeDTW Barycenter Averaging

msd-irimas/shapedba 28 Sep 2023

Our approach uses a new form of time series average, the ShapeDTW Barycentric Average.

28 Sep 2023

PyPOTS: A Python Toolbox for Data Mining on Partially-Observed Time Series

WenjieDu/PyPOTS 30 May 2023

PyPOTS is an open-source Python library dedicated to data mining and analysis on multivariate partially-observed time series, i. e. incomplete time series with missing values, A. K. A.

30 May 2023

Time Series Clustering With Random Convolutional Kernels

jorgemarcoes/r-clustering 17 May 2023

The findings highlight the significance of R-Clustering in various domains and applications, contributing to the advancement of time series data mining.

17 May 2023

Unsupervised 4D LiDAR Moving Object Segmentation in Stationary Settings with Multivariate Occupancy Time Series

thkreutz/umosmots 30 Dec 2022

In this work, we address the problem of unsupervised moving object segmentation (MOS) in 4D LiDAR data recorded from a stationary sensor, where no ground truth annotations are involved.

30 Dec 2022

Uncertainty-DTW for Time Series and Sequences

leiwangr/udtw 30 Oct 2022

Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) is used for matching pairs of sequences and celebrated in applications such as forecasting the evolution of time series, clustering time series or even matching sequence pairs in few-shot action recognition.

30 Oct 2022

Time Series Clustering with an EM algorithm for Mixtures of Linear Gaussian State Space Models

ur17/em_mlgssm 25 Aug 2022

In this paper, we consider the task of clustering a set of individual time series while modeling each cluster, that is, model-based time series clustering.

25 Aug 2022

Smart Data Collection System for Brownfield CNC Milling Machines: A New Benchmark Dataset for Data-Driven Machine Monitoring

boschresearch/CNC_Machining Procedia CIRP 2022

To enhance the scalability of machine learning in real-world applications, this paper presents a benchmark dataset for process monitoring of brownfield milling machines based on acceleration data.

29 Jun 2022

TNN7: A Custom Macro Suite for Implementing Highly Optimized Designs of Neuromorphic TNNs

prabsy96/TNN7 16 May 2022

Recent works have proposed a microarchitecture framework for implementing TNNs and demonstrated competitive performance on vision and time-series applications.

16 May 2022

Novel Features for Time Series Analysis: A Complex Networks Approach

vanessa-silva/netf 11 Oct 2021

Our results are very promising, with network features from different mapping methods capturing different properties of the time series, adding a different and rich feature set to the literature.

11 Oct 2021

Learning Representations for Incomplete Time Series Clustering

WenjieDu/PyPOTS AAAI 2021

Also, to reduce the error propagation from imputation to clustering, we introduce a discriminator to make the distribution of imputation values close to the true one and train CRLI in an alternating train- ing manner.

18 May 2021