Thai Word Segmentation

7 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Thai word segmentation

Most implemented papers

LATTE: Lattice ATTentive Encoding for Character-based Word Segmentation

tchayintr/latte-ptm-ws Journal of Natural Language Processing 2023

Our model employs the lattice structure to handle segmentation alternatives and utilizes graph neural networks along with an attention mechanism to attentively extract multi-granularity representation from the lattice for complementing character representations.

Multi-Candidate Word Segmentation using Bi-directional LSTM Neural Networks

earthy123/Multi-Candidate-Word-Segmentation 7 May 2018

As a test-bed, the well-known bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) units are used with eleven contexts in a deep neural network.

AttaCut: A Fast and Accurate Neural Thai Word Segmenter

PyThaiNLP/attacut 16 Nov 2019

Word segmentation is a fundamental pre-processing step for Thai Natural Language Processing.

ThaiLMCut: Unsupervised Pretraining for Thai Word Segmentation

meanna/ThaiLMCUT LREC 2020

We propose ThaiLMCut, a semi-supervised approach for Thai word segmentation which utilizes a bi-directional character language model (LM) as a way to leverage useful linguistic knowledge from unlabeled data.