
138 papers with code • 6 benchmarks • 14 datasets

Text-to-SQL is a task in natural language processing (NLP) where the goal is to automatically generate SQL queries from natural language text. The task involves converting the text input into a structured representation and then using this representation to generate a semantically correct SQL query that can be executed on a database.

( Image credit: SyntaxSQLNet )


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4 papers

T5-SR: A Unified Seq-to-Seq Decoding Strategy for Semantic Parsing

JuruoMP/T5-SR 14 Jun 2023

Translating natural language queries into SQLs in a seq2seq manner has attracted much attention recently.

14 Jun 2023

Correcting Semantic Parses with Natural Language through Dynamic Schema Encoding

parkervg/destt5 31 May 2023

In addressing the task of converting natural language to SQL queries, there are several semantic and syntactic challenges.

31 May 2023

Improving Generalization in Language Model-Based Text-to-SQL Semantic Parsing: Two Simple Semantic Boundary-Based Techniques

dakingrai/ood-generalization-semantic-boundary-techniques 27 May 2023

Compositional and domain generalization present significant challenges in semantic parsing, even for state-of-the-art semantic parsers based on pre-trained language models (LMs).

27 May 2023

Federated Learning for Semantic Parsing: Task Formulation, Evaluation Setup, New Algorithms

osu-nlp-group/fl4semanticparsing 26 May 2023

By leveraging data from multiple clients, the FL paradigm can be especially beneficial for clients that have little training data to develop a data-hungry neural semantic parser on their own.

26 May 2023

UNITE: A Unified Benchmark for Text-to-SQL Evaluation

awslabs/unified-text2sql-benchmark 25 May 2023

A practical text-to-SQL system should generalize well on a wide variety of natural language questions, unseen database schemas, and novel SQL query structures.

25 May 2023

CSS: A Large-scale Cross-schema Chinese Text-to-SQL Medical Dataset

x-lance/medical-dataset 25 May 2023

Furthermore, we present CSS, a large-scale CrosS-Schema Chinese text-to-SQL dataset, to carry on corresponding studies.

25 May 2023

Uncovering and Categorizing Social Biases in Text-to-SQL

thenamek/trustworthy-text2sql 25 May 2023

In this work, we aim to uncover and categorize social biases in Text-to-SQL models.

25 May 2023

Error Detection for Text-to-SQL Semantic Parsing

osu-nlp-group/text2sql-error-detection 23 May 2023

Despite remarkable progress in text-to-SQL semantic parsing in recent years, the performance of existing parsers is still far from perfect.

23 May 2023

Text-to-SQL Error Correction with Language Models of Code

osu-nlp-group/auto-sql-correction 22 May 2023

Thus, we propose a novel representation for SQL queries and their edits that adheres more closely to the pre-training corpora of language models of code.

22 May 2023

How to Prompt LLMs for Text-to-SQL: A Study in Zero-shot, Single-domain, and Cross-domain Settings

shuaichenchang/prompt-text-to-sql 19 May 2023

Large language models (LLMs) with in-context learning have demonstrated remarkable capability in the text-to-SQL task.

19 May 2023